Medical Science Summer School Oncology for Medical Students (Vienna/Groningen) Under the umbrella of ESO, ESSOand ESTRO
10-21 July 2017 Vienna, Austria
The Medical University of Vienna and the Univer- sity of Groningen collaborate in the organisation of a Medical Sciences Oncology Summer School for Medical Students: in even years the Summer School on Oncology takes place at the University Medical Centre Groningen, in uneven years it is held at the Medical University of Vienna. From 2016 both Summer Schools are supported by ESTRO, ESSOand ESO, collaborate under the auspice of UICCand are supported by theWHOCollaborating Centre for Cancer Education. The goal of the Groningen/Vienna Summer Schools is to teach a multidisciplinary approach to oncology to medical students before they enter the clinic. The first Summer School in Groningen was held in 1996 and in Vienna in 1999. So far, students from both Summer schools reported a high level of satisfaction with the organisation, scientific content and topic range. • Teach a multidisciplinary approach to oncology to medical students in the final phase of their studies. • Help students become familiar with cancer care in general health practice, to reduce fear in patients with a malignant disease and to learn more about cancer related problems in other countries. • Introduce cancer related research and development, new technologies in diagnostic procedures (invasive and non-invasive) and modern multidisciplinary treatment approaches. • Familiarise participants with preparing abstracts and posters and presenting at an international meeting. FORMAT • The educational programme consists of different modules. Besides interactive lectures, the Schools offer workshops to provide an insight into specific clinical practice, ward rounds and skills training. COURSE AIM The course aims to:
The e-learning module of the Vienna Summer School on Oncology (VSSO) consists of a problembased and virtual tumour board session which encourages the students to gain and share their oncological knowledge under the supervision of experienced tutors. • Classical lectures in the morning will focus on general aspects of cancer. The topics will include an overview on biological background, diagnostic approaches (mainly clinical pathology andmodern image modal- ities), clinical issues and psycho-oncology. Lectures are given by medical, radiation and surgical oncol- ogists, radiologists, physicists, psycho-oncologists. Workshops in the afternoon offering more practical training, such as case presentations, poster presenta- tion, laboratory and ward rounds • The afternoon will offer two different tracks: - a clinically orientated track (T1) to get familiar with oncology care in practice and learn about oncology-re- lated problems. The students will have the possibility of ward and clinic rounds, further lectures in end of life communication, skills training etc. - a research oriented track (T2) is to introduce various exciting aspects of translational oncology research • An informal exam is organised before and after the summer school covering the main course contents to evaluate and document the learning experience. • Most of the evenings will have a broad and lively social programme. PRACTICALITIES • Max 35 participants • Fee: € 630 registration, including food and accom- modation • All students are requested to send an abstract before- hand on a topic related to cancer and cancer care in their home country / institution (T1) or related to a clinical, preclinical or translational research subject (T2). The preparation of the abstracts should be su- pervised by a faculty member at the home medical school of the student. • T1 students are asked to present a poster on the topic
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