ELCC 2017
European Lung Cancer Conference
5-8 May 2017
Geneva, Switzerland
ESMO and IASLC invite you to save the date for the 7th annual European Lung Cancer Conference (ELCC),
which will take place 5-8 May 2017, in Geneva, Switzerland.
ELCC is a collaborative effort of the most prominent societies representing thoracic oncology specialists worldwide:
ESMO, IASLC, ESTRO, ESTS and ETOP. Conference delegates will benefit from the collective knowledge of this
important group of multidisciplinary conference partners and renowned scientific committee representatives.
ELCC offers a platform for sharing the latest research and clinical developments in the field of thoracic oncology.
The conference has been designed to meet the current educational needs of the multidisciplinary community of
lung cancer specialists: medical and clinical oncologists, radiotherapists, thoracic surgeons, pulmonologists and
all members of thoracic oncology treatment teams.
The main themes for 2017 are:
• New IASLC staging
• ESMO recommendations for thoracic malignancies
• Immunotherapy: first-line treatment, biomarkers and combination approaches
• SCLC and mesothelioma
• Management and diagnosis of persistence in molecularly defined NSCLC
• Management of brain metastases.
We encourage you to join us at ELCC 2017. Working together we can advance patient care through the dissem-
ination of science education.
ELCC 2017 Scientific Committee Co-Chairs
Martin Reck, Grosshansdorf, Germany
Andrew Nicholson, London, UK