Comprehensive and Practical Brachytherapy
5-8 March
Budapest, Hungary
Particle Therapy
6-10 March
Essen, Germany
Lower GI: Technical and Clinical Challenges for
Radiation Oncologists
22-24 March
Rome, Italy
Upper GI: Technical and Clinical Challenges for
Radiation Oncologists
25-28 March
Rome, Italy
Dose Modelling and Verification for External Beam
2-6 April
Warsaw, Poland
ESTRO/ESMIT Course on Molecular Imaging and
Radiation Oncology
10-13 April
Bordeaux, France
IMRT and Other Conformal Techniques in Practice
9-13 April
Madrid, Spain
Cancer Survivorship
21-23 May
Brussels, Belgium
Multidisciplinary Management of Prostate Cancer
21-25 May
Porto, Portugal
Physics for Modern Radiotherapy
4-8 June
Bucharest, Romania
Advanced Skills in Modern Radiotherapy
11-15 June
Prague, Czech Rep
Evidence Based Radiation Oncology
11-16 June
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Combined Drug-Radiation Treatment: Biological Basis,
Current Applications and Perspectives
15-18 June
Brussels, Belgium
Target Volume determination - From Imaging toMargins
25-28 June
Lisbon, Portugal
Brachytherapy for Prostate Cancer
29 June - 1 July Brussels, Belgium
Advanced Treatment Planning
3-7 September
Barcelona, Spain
Clinical Practice and Implementation of Image-Guided
Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy
3-7 September
Budapest, Hungary
Palliative Care and Radiotherapy
7-9 September
Brussels, Belgium
Multidisciplinary Management of Breast Cancer
10-13 September Dublin, Ireland
Basic Clinical Radiobiology
16-20 September Paris, France
Comprehensive Quality Management in Radiotherapy
2-5 October
Brussels, Belgium
Quantitative Methods in Radiation Oncology: Models,
Trials and Clinical Outcomes
8-11 October
Maastricht, The Netherlands
Multidisciplinary Management of Brain Tumours
22-24 October
Vienna, Austria
Image-Guided Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy in
Gynaecological Cancer: Focus on MRI Based Adaptive
22-26 October
Prague, Czech Rep
Image Guided Radiotherapy in Clinical Practice
29 October -
2 November
Athens, Greece
Imaging for Physicists
5-9 November
Malaga, Spain
Paediatric Radiotherapy
30 November -
2 December
Brussels, Belgium