The participants from the countries represented in the
first workshop in 2016.
• To equip radiation therapists (RTTs) with the skills
necessary to design, organise, deliver and evaluate a
course, based on the core curriculum competencies,
in their own language, to radiation therapists in their
own country
• To promote, increase and support the further devel-
opment of the standard of education programmes for
radiation therapists
• To provide a focused course for radiation therapists
and support professional development and the national
profile of radiation therapists
• To raise the profile of ESTROwith radiation therapists
and increase radiation therapist membership and par-
ticipation within ESTRO.
• To be able to prepare and give feedback on the courses
delivered in 2016-2017
• To evaluate the academic content of the course and how
the second course will reflect the findings
• To evaluate issues arising from the practicality of or-
ganising the course, how difficulties can be managed
• To apply the findings of the evaluation in discussing the
design of the second / third courses (future courses) in
the individual countries and how thesewill be organised
• To relate the progress that has been made with respect
to influencing the national education programme and
how this can be achieved going forward
• To discuss how participants and faculty can maintain
contact for the remainder of the project.
The programme consists of different phases:
1. Train the RTT (radiation therapists) trainers
(five days: 24- 28 October 2016)
In this first phase of the course, participants had intro-
ductory lectures supported by practical sessions on how
to design, organise, deliver and evaluate a short course,
supported by practical sessions. Preparatory research
was required. At the end of the preparatory course, the
participants had:
• Prepared and outlined a programme for a (two/three
day) short course or modules consistent with the de-
velopment of their education programme based on the
core curriculum competencies
• Commenced preparation of one topic that they will
teach, started to define the content, appropriate teaching
methodology and assessment
• Acquired sufficient skills to understand how to prepare
good lectures (collection and evaluation of information
and preparing powerpoint presentations)
• Prepared a first draft of a checklist and timetable of
what they need to do
• Started to identifiy potential faculty members
• Started to define a network of contacts for support
• Defined the means to evaluate their course.
2. First local course
(between November 2016 and August 2017).
The local faculty will deliver and evaluate their first short
local course or complete the preparation of amodule/s for
their programme and evaluate this course.
3. The consolidation course
(three days: 16 - 18 October 2017)
The initial group will meet to discuss their courses,
their successes and their failures, and how they will
approach the development and delivery of the next
two courses. Theywill evaluate the entire programme.
Some lecturesmay be given if there are specific areas
that need to be reinforced.
4. Interim support for participants.
The second and third local courses will take place
between January and December 2017.
Best Practice in Radiation Oncology
A Four Phase Project to Train RTT Trainers - In Collaboration with the IAEA
Part II – Train the RTT (Radiation Therapists) Trainers: Consolidation Phase
16-18 October 2017
Vienna, Austria