ESTRO Guide 2018
“I felt the course was comprehensive, and I learned many practical things which I will be able to incorporate into my practice. The course was interactive, inspirational and thought-provoking and I thoroughly recommend it to anyone practising SRS or SBRT”
- Suki Gill | Perth, Australia -
COURSE CONTENT The five day teaching course will be organised as follows: • On Sunday, a historical background of stereotactic radiotherapy will be given followed by the radiobiological and technological background; SBRT cases with different complexity will be demonstrated followed by a debate discussing the position of SBRT in the current developments in oncology • The teaching lectures onMonday will review and discuss the technology and physical practice of SBRT and SRS • On Tuesday, various clinical aspects will be discussed, and SBRT for early stage NSCLC, primary liver cancer, prostate cancer and pancreatic cancer will be reviewed • All teaching lectures will focus on the multi- disciplinary character of SBRT. Interaction and discussion between the professional groups is highly encouraged • Split-up sessions based on expertise in SBRT and based on the profession will be organised on Tuesday andWednesday, offering the opportunity of in depth practical discussions • The last day will focus on the establishment of a clinical stereotactic programme and close with a panel discussion. PREREQUISITES Before commencing this course participants should: • Know the basics of image-guided radiotherapy • Have experience and knowledge of advanced radiotherapy treatment planning • Have a basic understanding of radiobiological modelling.
TEACHINGMETHODS • 20 hours of lectures • 4 hours of practical workshops • 1 hour of case discussions.
METHODS OF ASSESSMENT • MCQ • Evaluation form.
FACULTY COURSE DIRECTORS • Matthias Guckenberger, Radiation Oncologist, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich (CH) • Dirk Verellen, Medical Physicist, Iridium Kankernetwerk, Antwerp; Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels (BE) TEACHERS • Lineke Berkelaar, Radiation Therapist, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam (NL) • Karin Dieckmann, Radiation Oncologist, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna (AT) • Mischa S. Hoogeman, Medical Physicist, Erasmus Medical Centre-Daniel den Hoed Cancer Centre, Rotterdam (NL) • Morten Hoyer, Radiation Oncologist, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus (DK) • Coen Hurkmans, Medical Physicist, Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven (NL) • Stephanie Lang, Radiation Oncologist, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich (CH) • Suresh Senan, Radiation Oncologist, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam (NL)
KEYWORDS Stereotactic body radiotherapy, radiosurgery, stereotactic radiotherapy, image guided radiotherapy.
FURTHER READING Please consult the ESTRO website page of this course for further information.
ACCREDITATION Application for CME recognitionwill be submitted to the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME), an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). EACCME credits are recognised by the AmericanMedical Association towards the Physician’s Recognition Award (PRA). Information on the status of the applications can be obtained from the ESTRO office.
LOCAL ORGANISER Lurdes Trigo, Radiation Oncologist, Portuguese Society of Radiotherapy and Oncology (SPRO)
Matthias Guckenberger
Dirk Verellen
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