ESTRO Guide 2018
ESTROmeets ASIA 2018 6-9 December 2018 | Singapore
It is with great pleasure that we announce the first edition of the « ESTRO meets Asia » conference whichwill take place in Singapore, 06-09December 2018. This conference is the first of a cycle of three similar conferences, with subsequent editions to be organised in 2020 and 2022. “ESTRO meets Asia” has the objective to bring radiation oncology collaboration between Europe and Asia to a new level regarding science, educa- tion, technology and professional development, targeting all professionals working in the discipline (clinicians, medical physicists and RTTs). Radiation Oncology is an innovative discipline which is quickly evolving and the conference will allow to get updated on the latest scientific and technical developments, keeping up with novel treatments and their impact on clinical practice plus state of the art radiation oncology education sessions. Above all, the conference will offer an excellent platform for interaction and networking between regional and international professionals in radiation oncology. The scientific programme for the meeting will be jointly developed by ESTRO and FARO (Federation of Asian Organisations for Radiation Oncology) and in collaboration with other regional and na- tional societies for medical physicists and radiation therapists to ascertain a fully interdisciplinary scientific programme that will attract all radiation oncology professionals to the congress.
The congress will feature the following session types, focusing on pathology and technology based sessions:
• Educational refresher courses; • Teaching lectures; • Scientific symposia; • Multidisciplinary tumour boards; • Tips and tricks sessions; • Proffered paper sessions; • Poster discussion sessions; • Hands-on workshops • (others, to be defined jointly)
ESTRO and FARO look forward to welcoming you in Singapore.
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