ESTRO Guide 2018
The ESTRO School: overall aims
New developments • Medical education is based on knowledge, skills and competencies. Consequently, the ESTRO School is striving to broaden its programme to integrate education and training in all competencies necessary for good medical practice: medical expertise of course but also communication, leadership, advocacy, professionalism, collaboration and life-long-learning. The new courses that are planned for 2018 will certainly contribute to this comprehensiveness: - Foundations of leadership in radiation oncology - Basic clinical communication - Positioning and immobilisation (medical expertise: knowledge and skills to optimally position and immobilise patients for radiation therapy over a range of sites) - Non-melanoma skin cancer (medical expertise) • Extended blended learning at ESTRO School The ESTRO School has implemented an online learningmanagement system, Moodle, that will be used as of 2018 for extending and tailoring the education of the live courses by adding an online learning part before and/or after the classical live courses. This means that for some courses, the ‘face to face’ teaching will be combined with online delivery in order to improve the overall learning outcome. This is an exciting step to create forward looking solutions for education since the introduction of the ESTRO
online educational library, DOVE, and online contouring platform FALCON that of course will be integrated in this new approach where possible • To enhance the quality of the ESTRO School offering, the Pedagogical School Programme will focus on the assessment of teaching and learning. Assessment is needed for improvement of the learning goals, to evaluate if course participants have learnt effectively and provide them with feedback on their progress. The Pedagogical Programme will look into implementing more extensive assessment: before, during, at the end of the course and three to six months after the end of the course to continue to improve the quality of learning and teaching. The introduction of blended learning will definitely also necessitate an in-depth evaluation of the effect the use of technology will have on the way teachers teach and course participants learn.
• The main aim of the ESTRO School is to fulfil the Society’s mission in the field of education • The ESTROSchool is an international institution that strives to improve, professionalise and harmonise knowledge and practice in radiation oncology and associated professions in Europe and beyond • The ESTROSchool supports the implementation of the European core curricula with education and training programmes targeting both young and senior radiation oncology professionals • The ESTRO School offers a wide range of educational opportunities and resources that allow professionals worldwide to acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies to deliver high quality treatment and care to cancer patients.
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