ESTRO Guide 2018

ESTRO Online Educational Resources and Tools Access to quality education is a top priority of the ESTRO School. The School therefore continues to invest in the development of e-learning and blended learning opportunities as a complement to its live educational offer.

available for radiation oncology professionals worldwide to participate in (See page 108).

ESTROMobility Grants Every year ESTROoffers anumber ofmobility grants (previously known as Technology Transfer Grants or TTGs). These grants are made available to radiation oncology professionals eager to visit another institute to learn about or gain experience with a technique, equipment or its application that is not easily available in their own institute and which would be useful to them and their department in future studies or clinical treatments. There are two application deadlines per year (spring and autumn) and dates are announced on the ESTRO website, as well as by ESTRO Flash reminders, social media and the ESTRO Newsletter. 50-70% of the applications are granted.

FALCON in 2018 • Eleven live courses will include delineation workshops. Each such course is indicated in this Guide by the FALCON logo • Eight live FALCON workshops are planned during ESTRO 37 in Barcelona • Ten online FALCON workshops throughout the year. Check the 2018 FALCON online workshops on page 108 on this guide and check online the updates during the year and social media.

FALCON Fellowship inAnatomicdeLineation&CONtouring

The ESTRO online contouring programme

ESTRO has developed an innovative and hands- on educational platform for training contouring skills. FALCON* provides interactive teaching in tumour target, OAR contouring and uses for this purpose Educase, a web based treatment simulation software.



Deadlines: 31 May and 31 October 2018 All applications should be addressed to

* Fellowship in Anatomic deLineation and CONtouring

The ESTRO online educational library for radiation oncology You can find this broad online library at the home page of the ESTRO website and can search it by keywords or type of educational material you would like to consult: • Webcasts from ESTRO congresses • Course material from the ESTRO live courses in flippingbook format, whichmakes them easy to navigate and work with (limited to course participants and to Supporting Ambassador members) • All Radiotherapy&Oncology articles and ESTRO guidelines

Live courses and workshops ESTRO started implementing Educase, FALCON’s contouring tool, in its live teaching programmes in 2010. Since then the software has been used in 78 clinically orientated and/or image focused live courses and about 60 hands-on delineation workshops at annual ESTRO conferences. Around 7,000 radiation oncology professionals have benefited from such interactive training. Online workshops In 2012, ESTRO organised the first online FALCON workshop. Online workshops include 20-30 participants and are conducted through web-conferences over a time span of three weeks. The sessions are very interactive and offer the opportunity to set side by side delineations from participants and experts and discuss the interobserver variability and the available guidelines. The number of online workshops has gradually increased and since 2016, a full annual programme of ten workshops on different tumour sites was


• FALCON delineation exercises • Congress abstracts and posters.

Anyone can access the service library and view the content; full access depends on ESTROmembership status or participation in ESTRO activities. Selected material can be saved, printed and emailed.


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