ESTRO Guide 2019
Download the free ESTRO 38 mobile and tablet app a few weeks before the congress and take advantage of the full event schedule, as well as the personalised agenda, exhibition listings, voting and networking functions. Wifi will be available in the main auditoriums.
SESSIONS You can check out the sessions you wish to attend, view their summary and add them to your personal agenda. SPEAKERS You can view biographies, select congress speakers, send them messages and add them to your own personal agenda.
EVALUATION You can rate speakers and sessions.
MY EVENT This is your personal agenda, displaying your selected sessions, speakers, exhibitors and much more. EXHIBITION Thanks to the interactive floor plan, you can easily access the information on the booths and exhibitors you wish to visit and save them to your personal agenda. NETWORKING Interact with other attendees at the event via the messaging service. You can send messages privately and arrange meetings that will be scheduled in your personal agenda.
SOCIAL MEDIA Stay up-to-date with the latest congress news by using Twitter (#ESTRO38), LinkedIn and Facebook.
ABSTRACT BOOK The abstract book will be directly downloadable from the app.
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