ESTRO Guide 2019

Live courses

The 2019 ESTRO Guide provides a comprehensive description of each course: aims, learning outcomes, target audience, content, prerequisites, teaching and assessment methods and the ESTRO course faculties. The roadmap to ESTRO courses will help you to select the courses that are most suited to your needs (see page 24).

±35 courses are organised per year. Some of the courses are organised biennially

±80% of the courses take place in Europe. ±20% are organised outside Europe.


Undergraduate Oncology Courses


Courses on Multimodal Cancer Treatment

4 General

11 Site specific


45 DIFFERENT COURSE TOPICS Basic and advanced postgraduate courses and undergraduate oncology courses

Courses on Radiotherapy Treatment Planning and Delivery

10 External beam

1 4 4 5

Course on Biological Aspects of Radiation Oncology

Courses on Imaging

Courses Focusing on Research

Courses Focusing on Best Practice

Check the Roadmap of the ESTRO School on page 24 for an overview of the courses per topic.

Education at ESTRO 38 26-30 April 2019 | Milan, Italy

One-day pre-meeting courses tailored for each discipline and 6 interdisciplinary courses

Every morning 7-8 teaching lectures scheduled for the different disciplines

Multidisciplinary tumour boards: how to make the complex decisions about the individua- lised treatment of cancer patients in the multidisciplinary oncology setting of “everyday”

At all ESTRO annual congresses you can attend

Live contouring workshops

Check as of page 125 in the events section the educational programme of ESTRO 38 in Milano.



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