ESTRO Guide 2019
THE ESTRO SCHOOL Lifelong professional development for all
Jesper Grau Eriksen ChairESTROEducation Council
Christine Verfaillie ManagingDirector EducationandScience
USE • Know • Do • Apply
HOW to plan learning & training
WHAT to learn
Grant, J. The Good CPD Guide ( 2011 )
Radiation Oncology. Optimal Health for all, Together.
• the joint ESTRO-CARO-RANZCR course on ‘Foundations of leadership in radiation oncology ’was successfully introduced in 2018 and will be repeated in Canada and Australia but also prior to the ESTRO 38 Congress in Milan • In 2019, more new courses will be launched to train the non- medical competencies: a course on Academic Entrepreneurship, Innovation, andTechnology transfer inRO and a newly designed Research Course in Radiation Oncology in order to develop research/validation programmes when implementing new technology, focusing in the first edition on MRI and the MRI Linac. The annual live and pre-meeting courses remain the flagship of the ESTRO School, but teaching & learning methods are being extended and innovated to cater for different interests and needs. Blended learning is getting more and more established: • using the FALCON platform for the organisation of online interactive contouring workshops • through the ESTROonline library DOVE for self directed learning • using the onlineMoodle platform integrated this year for extending and tailoring the live courses with an online learning before and/ or after the live par and integrating other learning methods like e-webinars, for a for networking and exchange of ideas or quizzes and assignments to stimulate the learning experience.
The ESTRO School is based in Europe but serving the global community of health professionals in radiation oncology with adapted strategies, in order to offer the best treatment to cancer patients. Its activities will strive to reflect all year long the 2030 ESTRO Vision recently released: ‘Radiation oncology. Optimal health for all, together’. Therefore as a priority, the ESTRO School addresses all continuing professional development (CPD) needs of its professional community, based on the current Core Curricula and continuously evolving to encompass future needs. The ESTRO School offers independent, evidence-based education programmes in different formats and including various approaches. A wide range of activities are organised, allowing participants to network with peers and to fulfill tomorrow’s requirements and to ensure optimal treatment for all cancer patients. Medical education is based on knowledge, skills and competencies and this is reflected in the ESTRO School, offering educational programmes focused on medical expertise AND training in other competencies
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