ESTRO Guide 2019
“It was a privilege to be taught by leading specialists whose work we have read in journals, and to be able to talk to them.”
- Eivind Smeland, Medical and radiation oncologist | University Hospital North Norway, 9038 Tromsø, Norway -
PREREQUISITES Before commencing this course participants should: • Ensure their knowledge of basic biology and physics is at least high-school level • Familiarise themselves with access to the journals covering radiobiology related to radiotherapy.
FACULTY COURSE DIRECTOR Michael Joiner, Radiation Biologist, Wayne State University, Detroit (USA) TEACHERS • Rob Coppes, Radiation Biologist, UMC Groningen, Groningen (NL) • Vincent Grégoire, Radiation Oncologist, Léon Bérard Cancer Center, France (FR) • Karin Haustermans, Radiation Oncologist, University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Leuven (BE) • Marianne Koritzinsky, Radiation Biologist, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto (CA)
TEACHINGMETHODS • 27 hours of lectures • 3 hours of tutorials • 4 hours of discussions.
METHODS OF ASSESSMENT • MCQ • Evaluation form.
KEYWORDS Radiobiology, radiation biology, radiation oncology, radiotherapy.
FURTHER READING Please consult the ESTRO website page of this course for further information.
ACCREDITATION Application for CME recognition will be submitted to the European Accreditation Council for ContinuingMedical Education (EACCME), an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). EACCME credits are recognised by the American Medical Association towards the Physician’s Recognition Award (PRA). Information on the status of the applications can be obtained from the ESTRO office.
Michael Joiner
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