ESTRO Guide 2019

Course on Molecular Imaging and Radiation Oncology JOINT ESTRO - ESMIT 6-9 May 2019 | Florence, Italy

TARGET GROUP The course is aimed at senior residents or young specialists in radiation oncology, nuclear medicine or radiology, who intend to expand their knowledge and skills in the use of molecular imaging methods for radiation oncology. COURSE AIM The applications of molecular imaging (MI) for treatment selection, target definition and response evaluation in radiation oncology are increasing.This advanced course, jointly organised by ESTRO and ESMIT (European School of Multimodality Imaging and Therapy), aims at providing the participants with profound knowledge and skills to deal with chances and challenges in the use of MI methods in all fields of radiation oncology. will provide you with in-depth knowledge and skills in the use of molecular imaging in all areas of radiation oncology. Are you a senior resident or young specialist in radiation oncology, nuclear medicine or radiology? Then this advanced course

• Take home some points of necessary research in this field.

• List the implications of PET and some MRI based MI methods in radiation oncology • Understand technical issues of PET in radiotherapy treatment planning • Understand technical issues of functional MRI in radiotherapy treatment planning • Have knowledge of the current evidence of PET in staging, treatment planning and response assessment in main solid tumours • Discuss GTV delineation procedures based on MI • Discuss nodal CTV concepts with the background of diagnostic data

COURSE CONTENT The course will be interactive with talks and hands-on group sessions onMI based GTV delineation, the discussion of MI based CTV concepts, as well as the use of MI methods for staging and response assessment in several tumour types. The MI methods addressed will mainly be nuclear medicine based (e.g. PET) but MRI-based methods will also be touched.

LEARNINGOUTCOMES By the end of this course participants should be able to:



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