ESTRO Guide 2019
Combined Drug-radiation Treatment: Biological Basis, Current Applications and Perspectives JOINT ESTRO - KOSRO 7-9 June 2019 | Seoul, South Korea
From chemo- radiotherapy to immunotherapy and radiation, this course will increase your confidence in using combinations of treatments: right patient, right drug, right radiotherapy, right dose, right time.
TARGET GROUP The course is aimed at radiation oncologists and medical oncologists involved in the multidisciplinary treatment of cancer.
COURSE AIM Course rationale
Effective cancer treatment necessitates both high efficacy of local treatment and combatting sub-clinical systemic disease. Consequently, cancer therapy today involves various combinations of local and systemic treatment modalities. Of those, combining drugs and radiation has been attracting particular attention both in terms of its biological rationale and its potential of increasing the therapeutic outcome. This course aims at updating participants about established and emerging knowledge in this field. It will provide the key messages that biological and clinical research is currently bringing to the oncology community. This course aims to: • Update participants about the biological effects of combining drugs and radiation in normal and tumour tissue • Present evidence-based clinical
applications of combined modality treatment using drugs and radiation in major human malignancies • Stimulate case-based discussion on the interdisciplinary treatment of cancer • Present future perspectives for combining drugs and radiation. LEARNINGOUTCOMES By the end of this course participants should be able to: • Describe the rationale and mechanisms of the action of combined drug radiation treatment in cancer • Discuss the evidence for combined drug radiation treatment in different tumour sites
• Select patients for combined drug radiation treatment • Decide on the optimum treatment strategy, sequencing and duration, for different patients • Decide on the optimumstrategy including new drugs (immunotherapy etc.). COURSE CONTENT General lectures • How to target molecules • Immunotherapy and personalised cancer therapy • Rationale for altered fractionation and combining radiation with systematic therapies • Hypoxia: the point of view of biologist
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