ESTRO Guide 2019

ELCC 2019 European Lung Cancer Congress 10-13 April 2019 | Geneva, Switzerland

and pathologists all benefit from its comprehensive and stimulating programme. We invite you to save the date for the European Lung Cancer Congress (ELCC 2019), taking place 10-13 April 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The EuropeanLungCancerCongress (ELCC) is a collaborative effort of themost important multidisciplinary societies representing thoracic oncology specialists, working together to advance science, disseminate education and improve the practice of lung cancer specialists worldwide.

ELCC is now the point of reference in the field of thoracicmalignancies. Since its inaugural edition in 2008, it has secured its status as the premiermeeting for professionals in the field. Medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, thoracic surgeons, respiratory physicians / pneumologists, interventional radiologists

9 January 2019: Abstract submission 30 January 2019: Early registration 5March 2019: Late-breaking abstracts 20 March 2019: Late registration



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