ESTRO course on Image Guided Radiotherapy in Clinical Practice 2018


- Median follow-up for survivors is 21 months.

- Median OS for patients with maxBED10 > 90 and maxBED10 < 90 was 27.8 months vs. 14.8 months (p = 0.005)

- LC at 18 months for patients with maxBED10 > 90 and maxBED10 < 90 was 87% vs 57% (p = 0.007)

- Number of fractions adapted, maxBED and BED of Rx were predictive of survival on univariate analysis

- No tumor, patient or other therapy factor was related to outcome

ESTRO IG and Adaptive Course Parikh Budapest 2018

Rudra S, Jiang N, Rosenberg S, Olsen J, Lagerwaard F, Bruynzeel A, Parikh P, Bassetti M, Lee P; ASTRO 2017

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