ESTRO course on Image Guided Radiotherapy in Clinical Practice 2018

Overview of Search Process

The Royal Marsden

Initial on-line searches

Laxatives OR enemas OR diet AND prostate motion AND radiotherapy

Laxatives OR enemas OR diet AND rectal volume AND radiotherapy

6 articles, 190 citations

4 articles, 99 citations

Exclusion of duplicate articles: n=1 Exclusion of duplicated citations: n=40

9 articles, 249 citations

Citations excluded : n=122 (not relevant) Citations duplicated: n=77

Possibly relevant citations: n=50

Citations excluded: n=38 (Intervention not specifically described)

Relevant citations / articles: n=12

Additional relevant articles identified: n=6 (Use of specific additional search terms)

Relevant articles included in review: n=18

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