ESTRO meets Asia 2024 - Abstract Book
Interdisciplinary – Gynaecological
ESTRO meets Asia 2024
17. Lee CM, Shrieve DC, Gaffney DK. Rapid involution and mobility of carcinoma of the cervix. Int J Radiat Oncol
Biol Phys 2004; 58 (2): 625-30.
18. van de Bunt L, Jurgenliemk-Schulz IM, de Kort GA, Roesink JM, Tersteeg RJ, van der Heide UA. Motion and
deformation of the target volumes during IMRT for cervical cancer: what margins do we need? Radiother Oncol
2008; 88 (2): 233-40.
19. Ahamad A, D'Souza W, Salehpour M, et al. Intensity-modulated radiation therapy after hysterectomy:
comparison with conventional treatment and sensitivity of the normal-tissue-sparing effect to margin size. Int J
Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2005; 62 (4): 1117-24.
20. Barney BM, Lee RJ, Handrahan D, Welsh KT, Cook JT, Sause WT. Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) for prostate
cancer comparing kV imaging of fiducial markers with cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Int J Radiat Oncol
Biol Phys 2011; 80 (1): 301-5.
21. Ríos I, Vásquez I, Cuervo E, Garzón Ó, Burbano J. Problems and solutions in IGRT for cervical cancer. Reports
of Practical Oncology & Radiotherapy 2018; 23 (6): 517-27.
22. Patni N BN, Pasricha R, Goyal J, Soni TP, Kumar TS, et al. . Assessment of three-dimensional setup errors in
image-guided pelvic radiotherapy for uterine and cervical cancer using kilovoltage cone-beam computed
tomography and its effect on planning target volume margins. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 2017;
13:131-6 .
23. Yao L, Zhu L, Wang J, et al. Positioning accuracy during VMAT of gynecologic malignancies and the resulting
dosimetric impact by a 6-degree-of-freedom couch in combination with daily kilovoltage cone beam computed
tomography. Radiat Oncol 2015; 10 : 104.
24. Laursen LV, Elstrom UV, Vestergaard A, et al. Residual rotational set-up errors after daily cone-beam CT image
guided radiotherapy of locally advanced cervical cancer. Radiother Oncol 2012; 105 (2): 220-5.
25. Dutta S, Nguyen NP, Vock J, et al. Image-guided radiotherapy and -brachytherapy for cervical cancer. Front
Oncol 2015; 5 : 64.
26. Marnitz S, Lukarski D, Kohler C, et al. Helical tomotherapy versus conventional intensity-modulated radiation
therapy for primary chemoradiation in cervical cancer patients: an intraindividual comparison. Int J Radiat Oncol
Biol Phys 2011; 81 (2): 424-30.
27. Chen W, Bai P, Pan J, Xu Y, Chen K. Changes in Tumor Volumes and Spatial Locations Relative to Normal Tissues
During Cervical Cancer Radiotherapy Assessed by Cone Beam Computed Tomography. Technol Cancer Res Treat
2017; 16 (2): 246-52.
28. Beadle BM, Jhingran A, Salehpour M, Sam M, Iyer RB, Eifel PJ. Cervix regression and motion during the course
of external beam chemoradiation for cervical cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2009; 73 (1): 235-41.
29. Bondar L, Hoogeman M, Mens JW, et al. Toward an individualized target motion management for IMRT of
cervical cancer based on model-predicted cervix-uterus shape and position. Radiother Oncol 2011; 99 (2): 240-5.
30. Mendez LC, Raziee H, Davidson M, et al. Should we embrace hypofractionated radiotherapy for cervical
cancer? A technical note on management during the COVID-19 pandemic. Radiother Oncol 2020; 148 : 270-3.
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