ESTRO meets Asia 2024 - Abstract Book
Invited Speaker
ESTRO meets Asia 2024
SGRT and patient experience
Filipe Moura
CrossI&D Lisbon Research Center, Portuguese Red Cross Higher Health School Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal. Functional Biology and Health Sciences, University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain. Center for Translational Health and Medical Biotechnology Research, Higher Health School of Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Optical surface detection systems have been widely used in the radiation oncology clinical practice, providing safe and reliable patient positioning and localization accuracy throughout the whole treatment. This modality, called as Surface Guided Radiation Therapy (SGRT), is a powerful tool for treatment reproducibility with real time patient motion management. Reduction of both systematic and random errors, can be reached with this fast non-ionizing imaging modality, by providing means for marker- and tattooless positioning, intrafraction motion monitoring and deviceless 4D dynamic approach, including gated treatments by tracking patient´s breathing. From a protocol management perspective, a isocentric high correlation has been observed between SGRT and IGRT systems, which contributed to the substancial reduction of re-imaging and re-positioning, as well a remarkable reduction on the number of ionizing imaging procedures with further time consumption. Besides precision and safety optimization related to the system itself, it can promote a better patient experience throughout the whole treatment course. The SGRT will allow for faster and more precise deliveries, by using patient population specific workflows with NO skin marking, which improves patients’ interaction and better cooperation along the clinical applications. This transition from “ancient” temporary and/or permanent marking to real-time body digitalization, introduced a new era in radiotherapy coupled with an increased patient satisfaction with less psychosocial distress during and after treatment, and throughout life. Several approaches will be covered during this lecture, for a global awareness of this fast-evolving technology for better understanding of newer potentials and optimized treatment outcomes to improve quality of life of cancer patients.
Addressing the education and training needs of RTT in particle radiation therapy
Taeyoon Kim 1 , Hyokuk Park 2 , Jihyun Park 3
1 Proton therapy center, radiation oncology, National Cancer Center, South Korea, Ilsan, Korea, Republic of. 2 Heavy ion therapy center, radiation oncology, Yonsei Cancer Center, Seoul, Korea, Republic of. 3 Proton therapy center, radiation oncology, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, Republic of
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