ESTRO meets Asia 2024 - Abstract Book
Interdisciplinary – Urology
ESTRO meets Asia 2024
anatomy (D delivered,i ). Dose accumulation of all 5 fractions was applied by registering the MRI adapt scans at fractions 2 – 5 to that of fraction 1, resulting in a D ACC,planned . Similarly the MRI during scans were used to generate D ACC,delivered (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Schematic overview of the dose accumulation pipeline that was used to reconstruct the accumulated dose for the GTV and CTV.
OARs constraints were met in all plans of all patients. In the plans for the artificial GTVs, representing T3b tumors, the near minimum dose to the GTV (D98% ACC, planned ), which correlates most strongly with outcome, showed a median of 41.3 Gy (40.1 Gy – 43.0 Gy) compared to 43.7 Gy (40.3 Gy – 47.5 Gy) in the clinical plans for patients without seminal vesicle invasion. The D ACC, delivered to the GTV, taking into account intra-fraction motion, showed a median D98% of 41.1 Gy (38.9 Gy – 42.6 Gy) in the plans for artificial GTVs compared to 43.0 Gy (40.2 Gy – 46.7 Gy) in the clinical plans (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Boxplots of the accumulated planned (solid) and delivered (dashed) D98% to the GTV for the clinical treatment plans of patients without seminal vesicle invasion (T2-T3a) (blue) and simulated treatments plans of patients with seminal vesicle invasion (T3b) (green).
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