ESTRO meets Asia 2024 - Abstract Book


Invited Speaker

ESTRO meets Asia 2024

IMRT dosimetry credentialing. However, the limited number of phantom sets and the auditors' lack of direct involvement in the irradiation process can make discrepancy resolution challenging.

Recently, the European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer and an Australian group have developed virtual audit systems utilizing films, array detectors, and electronic portal imaging devices. Unlike postal audits, virtual audits do not require mailing the phantom set, as the measurement equipment is owned by the audited institution. The analysis is conducted by the auditors, not the local staff, ensuring independence in the auditing process. Virtual audits are anticipated to be more efficient, cost-effective, and enable faster case enrollment compared to on-site and postal audits. To address the increasing requirements for IMRT dosimetry credentialing in Japan, the Medical Physics Working Group of the Radiation Therapy Study Group at JCOG is developing a virtual audit system to replace the current postal audit system.

In this presentation, I will discuss the audit activities within JCOG, with a focus on the implementation of virtual audit.


Technological innovations in radiotherapy

Filipe Moura

CrossI&D Lisbon Research Center, Portuguese Red Cross Higher Health School Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. Functional Biology and Health Sciences, University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain. Center for Translational Health and Medical Biotechnology Research, Higher Health School of Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Porto, Portugal


Technology in Radiation therapy (RT) evolved on a fast pace due to unprecedent increase in computational power and models allied with Artificial Intelligence (AI-built) software and sophisticated machinery. The ongoing treatment approaches are moving towards a more automated processes which allowed for more efficient and less time consuming processes and feasible progression into hypofractionated and ultra-hypofractionated regimens for many treatment sites and clinical indications. In real-world precision RT, dose administration mapping and accumulation throughout a live treatment course has become a challenge for most clinical departments with clearly continuous investment to perform first-class clinical workflows. Available solutions to reach the population needs should be always put in place whenever deemed attainable and sustainable, contributing for faster and reliable treatments for all. Because one size does not fit all, each individual patient should be assessed and guided through the whole treatment pathway, where clinical treatment strategy, decision making and patient outcomes may be supported by toxicity models. Response assessment by electronic patient reported outcome measures (ePROMs) Response assessment by electronic patient reported outcome measures (ePROMs) became a crucial tool to colect the impact information regarding effects, prior, during and after the treatment,which contributes for a continuous improvement and further implementation of newer models and strategies. The mainstream for personalized medicine is pushing the boundaries of radiotherapy into a AI knowledge based and deep learning models, with progression to fully automated complex, highly demanding and time-consuming procedures. For example, the development of new AI models for image reconstruction, automatic segmentation, accelerated treatment planning, quality assurance (QA) and delivery, allowed unique on-line adaptive RT (ART)

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