ESTRO meets Asia 2024 - Abstract Book


RTT – Patient experience and quality of life

ESTRO meets Asia 2024

Smoker Yes

(4/12.12%) (29/87.88%)


TNM7 T-stage T1

(3/9.09%) (7/21.21%) (5/15.15%) (18/54.55%)

T2 T3


TNM7 N-stage N0

(4/12.12%) (6/18.18%) (23/69.70%)

N1 N2

*T: primary tumor; N: nodal;

Table 2; Toxicity score at median observation time of 24 months post HyBIRT

Grade M







No (%) 55.56 44.44 55.56 66.67 44.44 77.78 55.56

G1(%) 44.44 55.56 11.11 33.33 55.56 22.22 11.11

G2(%) 0.00 0.00 33.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.22

G3(%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.11

No : no incidence ,G1 : Grade 1 , G2: Grade 2, G3 :Grade 3 CTCAE Version 5.0 , M : Mucositis , X : Xerostomia , D: Dysphagia , O ; Odynophagia , G ; Dysgeusia , A: Dysarteria, OR : Osteo radionecrosis Most common late toxicity are xerostomia and dysgeusia which is grade 1 in 55.56% of patient. The toxicity that commonly impairs quality of life (QOL) is ORN which is 22.22% for grade 2 and and 11.11% for grade 3.


Discussion Organ preservation approach with the HyBIRT technique has shown good LC and LRC rate in our previous publication(1). Incidence of late effects with the HyBIRT technique is comparable to other definitive EBRT series except for the ORN which is the most dreaded complication of organ sparing approach. The rate of G3 ORN and G2 Dysphagia in this study is 11% and 33% which is slightly higher than the historical rates. This is due to the fact that most of our patients are locally advanced disease which preclude the use of mandible spacer and also all of patients are anterior tongue unlike previous publications that mostly had posterior 3 rd TSCC. This group of locally advanced patients would have had total or near total glossectomy with reconstruction and the functional outcome after tissue loss is generally poorer. Conclusion This current study showing a tolerable late toxicity profile in addition to the previous publication on the control rate and disease outcome suggest that organ sparing approach with HyBIRT technique has the potential to become the standard of care in the treatment of TSCC.

Keywords: HDR Brachytherapy , Oral Tongue Cancer, IMRT

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