ESTRO meets Asia 2024 - Abstract Book
RTT – Treatment planning, OAR and target definitions
ESTRO meets Asia 2024
Across an implementation phase of 20 working days, all 33 radiation oncology centres achieved clinical release of the platform. During this phase, 96 staff completed training requirements, with a further 82 in-progress. At the conclusion of the implementation phase, 704 AI contouring tasks had already been completed on clinical cases (Figure 1). These tasks comprised 10,467 individual AI-generated structures (mean 11.1 structures per case). AI contouring uptake per centre, measured as a proportion of CT-simulation import tasks with an associated AI contouring task, is shown in Figure 2. 18 of 33 centres had achieved uptake greater than 80% during the final week of the implementation phase, with a median centre uptake rate of 87.5% at this timepoint. Staff feedback reported satisfaction with the accuracy of AI contours in 97.5% of cases, and 97.3% of tasks giving a time-saving benefit compared to manual contouring workflows.
This study has demonstrated the successful implementation of an AI contouring platform across a large and diverse network of radiation oncology centres. Through a collaborative framework of partnered centres alongside a flexible education program design, a rapid schedule of clinical release and subsequent uptake into standard practice could be achieved. The ability to consolidate experiential learnings in parallel with pooled data analytics from across our network provides a robust foundation for ongoing workflow development leveraging the benefits of AI platforms.
Keywords: OAR contouring, AI, implementation
Proffered Paper
Clinician experience with an AI-enhanced target delineation workflow: a mixed-methods pilot study
Aidan Leong 1,2 , Alannah Flockton 1,2 , Huong Nguyen 3 , Ben Archibald-Heeren 4 , Yunfei Hu 5
1 Radiation Therapy, Bowen Icon Cancer Centre, Wellington, New Zealand. 2 Department of Radiation Therapy, University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand. 3 Clinical Care, Icon Group, Brisbance, Australia. 4 Clinical Care, Icon Group, Brisbane, Australia. 5 Medical Physics, Icon Cancer Centre Gosford, Gosford, Australia
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