ESTRO meets Asia 2024 - Abstract Book
Interdisciplinary – Biomarkers
ESTRO meets Asia 2024
Keywords: NSCLC, ctDNA, liquid biopsy
[1] Nakamura M, et al. Detection of Pretreatment Circulating Tumor DNA Predicts Recurrence after High-Dose Proton Beam Therapy for Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2023;116(5):1085 1090.
[2] Nakamura M, et al. Pattern of recurrence after CyberKnife stereotactic body radiotherapy for peripheral early non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Dis, 2019;11(1):214-221.
[3] Tsurugai Y, et al. Relationship between the consolidation to maximum tumor diameter ratio and outcomes following stereotactic body radiotherapy for stage I non-small-cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer, 2016;92:47-52.
[4] Zhang X, et al. Positron Emission Tomography for Assessing Local Failure After Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2012;83(5):1558-1565.
[5] Shintani T, et al. Prognostic Significance of Serum CEA for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy. Anticancer Res, 2017;37(9):5161-5167.
Digital Poster
Structural Alteration in DNA Repair Genes Associated with Nasopharyngeal Cancer Aggressiveness
Handoko - 1,2 , Heri Wibowo 3 , Fadilah - 4 , Marlinda Adham 5,6 , Soehartati A Gondhowiardjo 1,2
1 Radiation Oncology, Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. 2 Radiation Oncology, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. 3 Integrated Laboratory, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. 4 Bioinformatics, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. 5 ENT, Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. 6 ENT, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
To assess various key DNA repair genes by means of long read whole genome sequencing in nasopharyngeal cancer and correlate them with the phenotype in this case, the cancer aggressiveness.
We conducted whole genome sequencing of 3 nasopharyngeal cancer samples. DNA extraction was done from fresh frozen nasopharyngeal cancer biopsy using Qiagen DNA Mini Kit. Then followed by library preparation and sequencing using long read sequencer Promethion 2 Solo NGS device from Oxford Nanopore. The data was basecalled using super accuracy mode followed by alignment to GrCH 38 human reference genome using MinKNOW from Oxford Nanopore. Those reads with quality score below 10 was excluded. Structural variants calling was performed using Sniffle2 and annotated using SnpEff. 1–3 Then, the structural variants data was filtered by excluding intron and intergenic variants for key DNA repair genes including ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, CDK12, CHEK2, PALB2, POLE, RAD51B, TP53, group of FANC genes (FANCA, FANCC, FANCD2, FANCE, FANCF, FANCG, FANCI, FANCL
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