ESTRO meets Asia 2024 - Abstract Book


Interdisciplinary – Breast

ESTRO meets Asia

dose when correlated with radiation techniques showed that helical tomotherapy is better than IMRT and IMRT is better than 3DCRT in LAD sparing. ECG findings were present in about 44% study population done immediately after radiation treatment which were most with 3DCRT as compared to IMRT and least with Helical Tomotherapy but when assessed with Chi- Square test, it was not statistically significant. Most Common finding in ECG observed were T wave inversion (60% of patients) followed by T wave flattening , ST Depression and r wave changes. T wave inversion was observed with 3DCRT then IMRT and least with Helical Tomotherapy but could not achieve statistical significance and at 2 months ECG changes were persistent in 16% and only 2% patients had developed new changes. 13 % of the patients showed either decline in ejection fraction or variation in global longitudinal strain on 2D-Echo and were kept on close follow up but surprisingly when the same population again underwent 2D- ECHO at 2 months, 66% of the patients had normal findings but 3% of them still had persisting 2D- ECHO changes. ECG and 2D ECHO done after radiation treatment and at 2 months showed significant changes but did not show correlation with either LAD dose, mean heart.


In our study we found that Helical Tomotherapy was found to be better at LAD sparing as compared to IMRT and 3DCRT and it showed that lower max and mean dose can be achieved by tomotherapy as compared to other techniques and contouring of LAD in left breast cancer patients should be done and strict constraints should be given to avoid ischemic heart disease. ECG and 2D ECHO can detect RT induced changes in the heart and can be used as a surrogate marker for cardiac follow up.

Keywords: Tomotherapy,ecg,echocardiogram


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