Gynae BT 2017

ITV-T – Internal Target Volume

• Several studies deal with tumor motion • MRI studies provide best insight • Large inter- fraction motion is found in majority of studies ITV = CTV + margin for internal motion & deformation


From: Lim K, et al. Image guidance...In: Viswanathan et al., eds. Gyn Radiat Oncol. Springer 2011 Chan P, et al. IJROBP 2008, Taylor A, et al. Radiother Oncol 2008, Georg D, et al. Strahlenther Onkol 2006, Roeske JC, et al. Radiother Oncol 2003, van de Bunt L, et al. Radiother Oncol 2008, Beadle BM, et al. IJROBP 2009, Dimopoulos J, et al. Strahlenther Onkol 2009.

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