Haematology 2018
PD-1 Blockade With Pembrolizumab in Patients With cHL After BV Failure: Safety, Efficacy, and Biomarker Assessment
• ORR 65% (n= 31), CR 16% (n=5), PR (48%) n=15, and SD (23%) n=7 • With a median follow-up of 9.7 (1.3-17.5) months, median DOR not been reached (0+ to 13.4+ months) • As of the data cut-off, 14 patients (45%) remained on treatment ; 2 (6%) patients discontinued for toxicity, 12 (39%) for progression, and 3 (10%) for other reasons
• Of the 20 responses, 14 are ongoing
Armand P, et al. Blood. 2015;126:Abstract 584.
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