IMRT 2018

Selected bibliography

Lyman, J. T. Complication probability as assessed from dose-volume histograms. Radiat Res Suppl, 1985, 8, S13-S19

Kutcher, G. J. & Burman, C. Calculation of complication probability factors for non-uniform normal tissue irradiation: the effective volume method. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 1989, 16, 1623-1630 Jackson, A. et al. Probability of radiationinduced complications for normal tissues with parallel architecture subject to non-uniform irradiation. Med Phys, 1993, 20, 613–625 Seppenwoolde, Y. et al. Comparing different NTCP models that predict the incidence of radiation pneumonitis. Normal tissue complication probability. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2003, 55, 724-735 Jin, J.-Y. et al. Impact of fraction size on lung radiation toxicity: hypofractionation may be beneficial in dose escalation of radiotherapy for lung cancers. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2010, 76, 782-788 Källman, P.; Ågren, A. & Brahme, A. Tumour and normal tissue responses to fractionated non-uniform dose delivery. Int J Radiat Biol, 1992, 62, 249-262 Onjukka, E. et al. The performance of normal-tissue complication probability models in the presence of confounding factors. Med Phys. 2015, 42, 2326-41


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