Manual for ESTRO Teachers
UNION EUROPÉENNE DES MÉDEC INS SPÉC IAL I STES EUROPEAN UNION OF MEDI CAL SPEC IAL I STS Association internationale sans but lucratif – International non-profit organisation
Students’ strategies in taking MCQ exams
Just as guidelines are written to help educators construct good multiple choice questions, numerous publications can also be found that are oriented towards helping the student maximize his/her guessing capabilities in order to correctly respond to MCQs. In the preceding pages we have covered most if not all the so-called test-wise strategies used by students to answer MCQs. However, it would seem appropriate at this point, to list what is typically considered as the student’s guide to improving their guessing strategies and to some extent subverting the purpose of the examination.
1) Pick the longest answer
2) When in doubt pick the answer “C”
3) Never pick an answer which includes the word “ always ” or “ never ” in it.
4) If there are two answers which express opposites, pick one or the other and ignore other alternatives
5) Pick the more scientific-sounding answer
6) Don’t pick an answer which is too simple or obvious
7) Pick an answer that contains a word which you remember was related to the topic
8) Choose an answer that contains a word, phrase or meaning that is found in the stem
9) Choose the answer that includes the majority of the elements in common with the other options (“convergence strategy”)
10) Eliminate wrong answers and see (guess between) what is left!
11) A common multiple choice item strategy is to place the most tempting wrong answer before the right answer
12) If all else fails, guess!
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