Modern Bt Techniques - Florence 2016

Radionuclides: A Review

60 Co: containing radioactive needles, Wiiliam Myers, Ohio State University 1947 (cobanic: 45% Co & 55% Ni): 1mm small diameter and could be bent!

137 Cs: Longer half life than 60 Co (30 vs. 5 years), lower energy than 60 Co (0.662 vs. 1.25 MeV)

198 Au: replaces 222 Rn seeds since 1910.

192 Ir: since 1958 as seed by Ulrich Henscke. From early 1960s mainly as wire (IGR, Paris-group). High speicifc activity and thus appropriate as Miniaturized stepping source.

125 I: since late 60s as seeds for interstitial applications.

103 Pd: shorter half life than 125 I (17 vs. 59 days) and very high specific activity.

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