Physics Bucharest 2017

Functional imaging to assist volume definition

References References 1. Mankoff DA: A definition of molecular imaging . J Nucl Med 2007, 48 (6):18N, 21N. 2. De Ruysscher D, Kirsch CM: PET scans in radiotherapy planning of lung cancer . Radiother Oncol 2010, 96 (3):335-338. 3. Chiti A, Kirienko M, Gregoire V: Clinical use of PET-CT data for radiotherapy planning: what are we looking for? Radiother Oncol 2010, 96 (3):277-279. 4. Hockel M, Schlenger K, Aral B, Mitze M, Schaffer U, Vaupel P: Association between tumor hypoxia and malignant progression in advanced cancer of the uterine cervix . Cancer Res 1996, 56 (19):4509-4515. 5. Thorwarth D, Geets X, Paiusco M: Physical radiotherapy treatment planning based on functional PET/CT data . Radiother Oncol 2010, 96 (3):317-324. 6. Coffey M, Vaandering A: Patient setup for PET/CT acquisition in radiotherapy planning . Radiother Oncol 2010, 96 (3):298-301. 7. Scripes PG, Yaparpalvi R: Technical aspects of positron emission tomography/computed tomography in radiotherapy treatment planning . Semin Nucl Med 2012, 42 (5):283-288. 8. Bettinardi V, Picchio M, Di Muzio N, Gianolli L, Gilardi MC, Messa C: Detection and compensation of organ/lesion motion using 4D-PET/CT respiratory gated acquisition techniques . Radiother Oncol 2010, 96 (3):311-316. 9. Weber WA: Quantitative analysis of PET studies . Radiother Oncol 2010, 96 (3):308-310. 10. Nestle U, Schaefer-Schuler A, Kremp S, Groeschel A, Hellwig D, Rube C, Kirsch CM: Target volume definition for 18F-FDG PET-positive lymph nodes in radiotherapy of patients with non-small cell lung cancer . Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2007, 34 (4):453-462.

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