PowerPoint Presentation

Cetuximab Before Surgery in Treating Patients With Aggressive Locally Advanced Skin Cancer

Pilot clinical trial, study end 2020 Intervention - Single Group Assignment

INCLUSION CRITERIA: • untreated or relapsed SCCS that is considered to be aggressive and locally advanced by the following criteria: tumors 2 cm or more tumors invading deep tissues such as muscle, cartilage or bone tumors showing perineural invasion and/or tumors metastatic to loco-regional lymph nodes

• patients may have had prior surgical interventions or been treated with investigational agents with residual or recurrent disease

PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: -To establish the response rate of cetuximab SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: -To measure PF and OS

OUTLINE: Patients receive cetuximab intravenously (IV) over 60-120 minutes once weekly for 8 weeks. After completion of study treatment, patients are followed up every 3 months for 2 years.

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