Quality Management 2017


• Montgomery, D. C. Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons (1992).

• D. J. Wheeler, Understanding Variation: The Key to Managing Chaos SPC, Knoxville, (2000).

• M. Pillet, Appliquer la maîtrise statistique des processus (MSP/SPC) Editions d’organisation, Paris,( 2005). • K. Gérard . Automatic optimisation of beam orientations using the simplex algorithm and optimisation of quality control using Statistical Process Control (SPC) for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) , Thesis in Medical Physics, (2008) • Todd Pawlicki, Quality and Safety in Radiotherapy, Taylor and Francis Book, US, 643 pages, (2011) . • Pawlicki, T., M. Whitaker, and A. L. Boyer. Statistical process control for radiotherapy quality assurance. Med. Phys. 32 (9): 2777–2786, (2005). • Pawlicki, T., S. Yoo, L. E. Court, S. K. McMillan, R. K. Rice, J. D. Russell, J. M. Pacyniak et al. Process control analysis of IMRT QA: Implications for clinical trials. Phys. Med. Biol. 53 (18): 5193–5205 (2008).



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