paed bru 17 | 1 |
L1.1 Epidemiology - DW | 1 |
L1.2 Imaging in Medulloblastoma and ependymoma – TJ | 75 |
L1.3 Ependymoma - general aspects - RDK | 145 |
L1.4 Ependymoma - role of RT - BT | 202 |
L1.5 Medulloblastoma - general aspects - RT | 279 |
L1.6 Medulloblastoma - AP | 353 |
L1.7 Normal CNS anatomy - TJ | 423 |
L2.1 Chemotherapy in children - DW | 468 |
L2.2 M. Hodgkin - role of RT - KD | 634 |
L2.3 Rhabdomyosarcoma - general aspects and L2.4 Rhabdomyosarcoma -role of RT - AP | 694 |
L2.5 Late effects non-CNS tumours - KD | 818 |
L2.6 Ewing’s sarcoma I - Clinical features - UR | 884 |
L2.7 Ewing’s sarcoma II -Treatment techniques - UR | 952 |
L3.1 Nephroblastoma the COG concepts - AP | 1012 |
L3.2 Nephroblastoma the SIOP concepts - RT | 1090 |
L3.3 RT in Neuroblastoma - CC | 1143 |
L3.4 IMRT in children - CC | 1194 |
L3.5 Proton therapy in childhood tumours CNS - BT | 1235 |
L3.6 Proton therapy in childhood tumours non-CNS - BT | 1295 |
A1 The ESTRO School_Ricardi PROS | 1345 |
C2.1 Case discussion - medulloblastoma - CV | 1377 |
epend | 1414 |
Ependymoma Merchant-intracranial-up-date-Lancet-2009-20-06-2009 | 1414 |
Conformal radiotherapy after surgery for paediatric ependymoma: a prospective study | 1414 |
Introduction | 1414 |
Methods | 1415 |
Patients | 1415 |
Surgery and imaging follow-up | 1415 |
Conformal radiotherapy | 1415 |
Statistical analysis | 1415 |
Role of the funding source | 1416 |
Results | 1416 |
Discussion | 1419 |
Acknowledgments | 1421 |
References | 1421 |
Ependymoma-Andreiuolo-Integrating Tenascin-C protein expression-17.10.2017 | 1423 |
Ependymoma-Conter-SFOP-hfx-ependymoma-29-09-2009 | 1440 |
Intracranial Ependymomas in Children: Society of Pediatric Oncology Experience with Postoperative Hyperfractionated Local Radiotherapy | 1440 |
Introduction | 1440 |
Patients and Methods | 1441 |
Patient eligibility | 1441 |
Treatment characteristics | 1441 |
Evaluation procedures | 1441 |
Statistical analysis | 1441 |
Results | 1441 |
Study population | 1441 |
Surgery | 1441 |
Central radiologic review | 1442 |
Radiotherapy | 1442 |
PFS and OS | 1442 |
Prognostic factors analysis | 1442 |
Patterns of failure | 1442 |
Long-term side effects | 1443 |
Discussion | 1443 |
Conclusion | 1445 |
References | 1445 |
Ependymoma-Grundy-UKCCSG-chemo-only | 1447 |
Primary postoperative chemotherapy without radiotherapy for intracranial ependymoma in children: the UKCCSG/SIOP prospective study | 1447 |
Introduction | 1447 |
Methods | 1448 |
Participants | 1448 |
Procedures | 1448 |
Assessment | 1449 |
Statistical analysis | 1449 |
Role of the funding source | 1450 |
Results | 1450 |
Discussion | 1453 |
Acknowledgments | 1455 |
References | 1455 |
Ependymoma-MacDonald-proton therapy | 1457 |
Proton Radiotherapy for Childhood Ependymoma: Initial Clinical Outcomes and Dose Comparisons | 1457 |
Introduction | 1457 |
Methods and Materials | 1458 |
Patients | 1458 |
Dosimetric comparisons | 1458 |
Statistical analysis | 1458 |
Ethical considerations | 1459 |
Results | 1459 |
Discussion | 1461 |
References | 1464 |
Ependymoma-MacDonald-proton-28-07-2008 | 1465 |
Proton Radiotherapy for Childhood Ependymoma: Initial Clinical Outcomes and Dose Comparisons | 1465 |
Introduction | 1465 |
Methods and Materials | 1466 |
Patients | 1466 |
Dosimetric comparisons | 1466 |
Statistical analysis | 1466 |
Ethical considerations | 1467 |
Results | 1467 |
Discussion | 1469 |
References | 1472 |
Ependymoma-Massimino 2016 final results AIEOP-Protocol intracran. ependymoma 13.09.2017 | 1473 |
Ependymoma-Massimino-hfx-AEIOP-SIOP | 1483 |
Patient eligibility | 1484 |
Pathology review | 1484 |
Surgery and staging | 1484 |
Treatment regimens | 1485 |
Statistical analyses | 1485 |
RESULTS | 1485 |
Patients | 1485 |
Tumor location | 1485 |
Extent of resection | 1486 |
Histology | 1486 |
Treatment feasibility and compliance | 1486 |
Compliance in patients without residual tumor | 1486 |
Compliance in patients with residual tumor | 1487 |
Response to chemotherapy | 1487 |
Chemotherapy toxicity | 1487 |
Second-look surgery | 1487 |
Overall survival and progression-free survival | 1487 |
Survival analyses | 1487 |
Ependymoma-McGuire-intracranial-spinal-SEER-analysis-20-06-2009 | 1493 |
Ependymoma-Merchant-intracranial-sites-review-20-06-2009 | 1498 |
Three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy for ependymoma | 1498 |
Abstract | 1498 |
Abstract | 1498 |
Abstract | 1498 |
Purpose | 1498 |
Materials and methods | 1499 |
Result | 1502 |
IMRT | 1502 |
FSRT | 1503 |
SRS | 1503 |
Craniospinal RT | 1503 |
Conclusion | 1504 |
References | 1504 |
Ependymoma-Merchant-preliminary-3D-with neurocog- | 1506 |
Ependymoma-Merchant-re-irradiation- | 1513 |
A Retrospective Study of Surgery and Reirradiation for Recurrent Ependymoma | 1513 |
Introduction | 1513 |
Patients and Methods | 1513 |
RT2 techniques | 1514 |
Analysis | 1514 |
Definitions | 1514 |
Results | 1514 |
Study group | 1514 |
RT1: initial irradiation | 1515 |
Failure after RT1 and treatment before RT2 | 1515 |
RT2: radiosurgery | 1515 |
RT2: FFRT | 1518 |
RT2: CSI | 1519 |
Discussion | 1520 |
References | 1522 |
Ependymoma-Pajtler-The current consensus on the clinical management-17.10.2017 | 1524 |
The current consensus on the clinical management of intracranial ependymoma and its distinct molecular variants | 1524 |
Abstract | 1524 |
Introduction | 1525 |
The utility of histologic grading of ependymoma in a molecular era | 1525 |
Molecular subgroups of ependymal tumors in the central nervous system | 1526 |
Clinical management of intracranial ependymoma in the context of molecular subgroups | 1527 |
Model development and novel therapeutics | 1529 |
Conclusions | 1529 |
Acknowledgements | 1529 |
References | 1530 |
Ependymoma-Ramaswamy-ependymoma-new-molc-groups-survival-JCO-2016-20-06-2016 | 1532 |
Therapeutic Impact of Cytoreductive Surgery and Irradiation of Posterior Fossa Ependymoma in the Molecular Era: A Retrospec ... | 1532 |
METHODS | 1441 |
RESULTS | 1441 |
Demographics of Posterior Fossa Ependymoma Cohorts | 1441 |
Subgroup Affiliation Is the Most Powerful Prognostic Marker for Posterior Fossa Ependymoma | 1441 |
EPN_PFA Carries a Poor Prognosis Independent of Age at Diagnosis | 1441 |
Surgical Cytoreduction of EPN_PFA Is Prognostic Independent of Subgroup | 1441 |
Patients With GTR EPN_PFB Have an Excellent Prognosis | 1441 |
Acknowledgment | 1545 |
Appendix | 1545 |
Methods | 1545 |
Ependymoma-Reni-review-17-04-2009 | 1555 |
Ependymoma | 1555 |
General information | 1556 |
Definition | 1556 |
Incidence | 1556 |
Survival | 1556 |
Aetiology and risk factors | 1556 |
Pathology and biology | 1556 |
Histopathology | 1556 |
Myxopapillary ependymoma (WHO grade I) | 1557 |
Subependymoma (WHO grade I) | 1557 |
Ependymoma (WHO grade II) | 1557 |
Anaplastic ependymoma (WHO grade III) | 1557 |
Immunophenotype | 1557 |
Immunophenotype | 1557 |
Genetic features | 1557 |
Genetic features | 1557 |
Diagnosis | 1557 |
Clinical presentation | 1557 |
Localisation | 1557 |
Diagnostic criteria | 1558 |
Staging | 1558 |
Staging procedures | 1558 |
Staging system | 1558 |
Restaging procedures | 1558 |
Prognosis | 1558 |
Natural history | 1558 |
Prognostic factors | 1558 |
Treatment | 1559 |
Surgery | 1559 |
Radiation therapy | 1559 |
Chemotherapy | 1560 |
Treatment of recurrent disease | 1560 |
New active drugs and therapeutic options | 1560 |
Late sequelae | 1561 |
Long term sequelae | 1561 |
Follow-up | 1561 |
Follow up | 1561 |
Acknowledgment | 1561 |
References | 1561 |
Ependymoma-spinal-canal-Akyurek-myxopapillary subtype | 1564 |
Ependymoma-spinal-canal-Schild-Mayo-Clinic experience | 1571 |
Ependymoma-spinal-canal-Wahab-postop-RT | 1577 |
Long term outcome with post-operative radiation therapy for spinal canal ependymoma | 1577 |
Abstract | 1577 |
Introduction | 1577 |
Methods and materials | 1578 |
Results | 1578 |
Discussion | 1579 |
Conclusions | 1580 |
Acknowledgement | 1580 |
References | 1580 |
Ependymoma-Taylor-review-doses-volumes-06-07-2009 | 1582 |
Ependymoma-Timmermann-HIT91 | 1586 |
Ependymoma-Timmermann-HIT-SKK | 1595 |
Role of radiotherapy in anaplastic ependymoma in children under age of 3 years: Results of the prospective German brain tumor trials HIT-SKK 87 and 92 | 1595 |
Materials and methods | 1595 |
Patient eligibility | 1596 |
Evaluation of disease | 1596 |
Evaluation of toxicity and quality of life | 1596 |
Treatment protocol | 1596 |
Statistical considerations | 1597 |
Results | 1597 |
Patient population | 1597 |
Treatment | 1598 |
Survival | 1598 |
Patterns of failure | 1598 |
Late effects | 1598 |
Prognostic factors | 1599 |
Discussion | 1599 |
Conclusion | 1601 |
References | 1601 |
Ependymoma-von-Hoff-neurocog-outcome-IGR-20-06-2009 | 1603 |
Abstract | 1603 |
Background | 1603 |
Methods | 1603 |
Results | 1603 |
Conclusion | 1603 |
Background | 1603 |
Methods | 1604 |
Patients | 1604 |
Radiotherapy | 1604 |
Neuropsychologic evaluation | 1605 |
Statistical Analysis | 1605 |
Results | 1605 |
Profile of neuropsychological evaluation | 1606 |
Risk factor analysis (see table | 1606 |
Age | 1606 |
Interval since RT and FSIQ | 1606 |
Cerebellar syndrome and other influencing factors | 1607 |
Schooling | 1608 |
Endocrine deficits | 1608 |
Discussion | 1608 |
Conclusion | 1609 |
Competing interests | 1609 |
Authors' contributions | 1609 |
References | 1610 |
Pre-publication history | 1611 |
Ependymom-Subtyping-review-27-10-2017 | 1612 |
late effects | 1613 |
Late-effects-Camara-Costa-PNET-4-neurocog-03-08-2016 | 1613 |
Neuropsychological Outcome of Children Treated for Standard Risk Medulloblastoma in the PNET4 European Randomized Controlle ... | 1621 |
Introduction | 1614 |
Methods and Materials | 1615 |
Patients | 1615 |
Procedure | 1615 |
Measurements | 1615 |
Statistical analysis | 1615 |
Results | 1615 |
Group comparisons between participants and nonparticipants | 1639 |
Demographic and baseline characteristics for participants | 1441 |
Cognitive outcomes at posttreatment evaluation for the whole group of participants | 1442 |
Effects of treatment on cognitive outcomes | 1442 |
Longitudinal analyses | 1442 |
Discussion | 1445 |
Conclusions | 1619 |
References | 1619 |
Late-effects-Kennedy-PNET-IV-QoS-2014-09-01-2014 | 1621 |
Quality of Survival and Growth in Children and Young Adults in the PNET4 European Controlled Trial of Hyperfractionated Ver ... | 1621 |
Introduction | 1622 |
Methods and Materials | 1622 |
Patients | 1615 |
Procedure | 1622 |
Outcome measures | 1623 |
Statistical analysis | 1623 |
Results | 1623 |
Baseline characteristics | 1623 |
Outcomes at posttreatment evaluation | 1623 |
Effect of HFRT on executive function, behavior, health status, and HRQoL | 1623 |
Effect of HFRT on growth | 1623 |
Impact of demographic characteristics and clinical events | 1624 |
Hormone and other therapies, ototoxicity, and adult social and employment outcomes | 1442 |
Discussion | 1625 |
References | 1628 |
Late-effects-Merchant-endocrinol-deficits-3-d-conf-JCO-2011-03-12-2013 | 1630 |
Late-effects-Merchant-IQ modeling-medulloblastoma-2014-08-10-2014 | 1635 |
Critical Combinations of Radiation Dose and Volume Predict Intelligence Quotient and Academic Achievement Scores After Cran ... | 1635 |
Introduction | 1636 |
Methods and Materials | 1636 |
Results | 1637 |
Longitudinal trends in cognitive scores | 1637 |
Impact of clinical variables on longitudinal trends in cognitive scores | 1637 |
Impact of mean radiation dose on longitudinal trends in cognitive scores | 1615 |
TD 50/5 for below-average IQ and academic achievement according to mean normal tissue dose | 1639 |
Impact of radiation dose intervals on longitudinal trends in cognitive scores | 1639 |
TD 50/5 for below-average IQ and academic achievement according to radiation dose intervals | 1639 |
Discussion | 1640 |
References | 1642 |
Late-effects-Merchant-IQ-cerebellum-dose-2014-08-10-2014 | 1643 |
Effect of Cerebellum Radiation Dosimetry on Cognitive Outcomes in Children With Infratentorial Ependymoma | 1643 |
Introduction | 1622 |
Methods and Materials | 1644 |
Patients | 1644 |
Radiation treatment planning, cerebellar contouring, and radiation dose | 1644 |
Surgery and chemotherapy | 1645 |
Cognitive outcomes intelligence quotient, academic tests, and visual-auditory learning scores | 1645 |
Statistical analysis | 1645 |
Results | 1645 |
Effect of cerebellar dosimetry on longitudinal IQ scores | 1646 |
Effect of cerebellar dosimetry on longitudinal WIAT reading, math, and spelling scores | 1646 |
Effect of tumor volume, surgery, and RT parameters | 1646 |
Discussion | 1647 |
Conclusions | 1648 |
References | 1648 |
Late-effects-Moxon-Emre-Bouffet-Laperriere-JCO-2014-16-02-2015 | 1650 |
Late-effects-Netson-ependymoma-functioning-st-Jude-28-05-2013 | 1660 |
A 5-Year Investigation of Children’s Adaptive Functioning Following Conformal Radiation Therapy for Localized Ependymoma | 1660 |
Introduction | 1661 |
Methods and Materials | 1661 |
Participants | 1661 |
Medical treatment and clinical factors | 1662 |
Neurocognitive assessment | 1662 |
Analyses | 1663 |
Results | 1663 |
Discussion | 1664 |
Conclusions | 1665 |
References | 1666 |
Supplementary Material | 1667 |
Late-effects-Packer-survival-secondary-tumours-COG-A9961-31-03-2014 | 1668 |
Late-effects-Palmer-Medulloblastoma-neurocog-St-Jude-JCO-2013-16-01-2014 | 1675 |
Late-effects-Redmond-hippocampus-dose-neurocog-march-2013-25-08-2014 | 1685 |
Late-effects-Ris-intellectual.outcome-2-diff-chx-COG-A9961-2013-31-03-2014 | 1695 |
Late-effects-Uh-Merchant-2013 Differences in brainstem areas to RT-01-02-2016 | 1703 |
Differences in Brainstem Fiber Tract Response to Radiation: A Longitudinal Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study | 1660 |
Introduction | 1703 |
Methods and Materials | 1704 |
Participants | 1704 |
Treatment | 1704 |
MRI data acquisition | 1704 |
Image processing | 1615 |
Volumes of interest | 1705 |
Statistical analysis | 1705 |
Results | 1705 |
Discussion | 1707 |
References | 1708 |