paediatrics Brussels 17
Neurocognitive Outcome in Medulloblastoma
TABLE II. ( Continued )
At least baseline academic achievement testing, included in analysis (n ¼ 75)
No baseline academic achievement testing, not included in analysis (n ¼ 304)
At least baseline intellectual testing, included in analysis (N ¼ 110)
No baseline intellectual testing, not included in analysis (n ¼ 269)
Age at diagnosis Median
7.38 3.44
8.14 3.10
8.16 4.28
7.79 3.10
Min Max
Adaptive Behavior Scale), and social-emotional status (Child Behavior Checklist). However, the most complete data were for the intellectual tests and academic measures and so this report will concentrate on only Full-Scale IQ (FSIQ), Performance IQ (PIQ), and Verbal IQ (VIQ) outcomes from the intellectual tests and reading, spelling, and arithmetic outcomes from the academic achievement tests. Per protocol, intellectual testing was completed first followed by academic testing. However, adherence to this order was not specifically documented as testers were free to use clinical discretion to maximize the validity of the results. Differences in demographic and clinical characteristics were investigated using exact chi-squared tests for categorical variables and Wilcoxon rank sum tests for continuous variables. Random coefficient models [12] (RCMs) were used to estimate the change in neurocognitive outcomes over time and to investigate the effect of covariates on the estimated change. RCMs are an approach for analyzing multiple assessments on each patient over time. These models take into account that measurements on the same patient are correlated. RCMs allow for unbalanced data and use all avail- able data. Although this study planned assessments at 3–6 months post-radiation and at 2 and 5 years after study enrollment, patients were assessed at a variety of times during the study. Time of the Statistical Methods
accordance with each institution’s Institutional Review Board requirements.
Intellectual and Academic Achievement Testing
The A9961 neurocognitive assessment schedule called for an evaluation to be completed between 3 and 6 months post-RT, as well as two follow-up assessments completed at 2 and 5 years post-study entry. During the study, some of the assessments were taken according to the planned schedule and others were taken at varying time points. In order to make maximum use of the avail- able data, analyses included patients who had at least one assess- ment between diagnosis and 9 months after completion of radiation (the baseline test). This is justified on the basis of research showing the emergence of significant late-effects of ra- diation after 9 months post-RT (Ris et al.[2]). The number of times assessed and timing of these assessments are contained in Table I. Table III shows the observed scores for each year after radiation therapy. The test battery in the original COG A9961 protocol included age-appropriate, gold standard measures of general intellect (Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence-Revised, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition), academic achievement (Wide Range Achievement Test-Third Edition), visuomotor integration (Beery Visual Motor Integration Test), adaptive functioning (Vineland
TABLE III. Observed Intellectual and Achievement Scores
Timing of assessments in years from completion of radiation 6 months
FSIQ a mean (SD) 96.2 (16.9) 96.0 (21.3) 90.1 (17.4) 99.5 (15.8) 79.6 (14.9) 93.5 (13.5) 75.6 (12.4)
VIQ mean (SD)
PIQ mean (SD)
Reading mean (SD) 98.8 (16.6) 98.0 (18.8) 97.8 (15.9) 92.7 (13.3) 103.0 (1.73) 94.0 (17.8) 78.5 (21.9)
Spelling mean (SD) 97.1 (17.3) 102.4 (15.4) 96.8 (16.3) 93.0 (14.9) 93.0 (12.7) 88.4 (14.9) 75.0 (12.5)
Arithmetic mean (SD)
Baseline b
98.6 (16.0) 100.0 (23.1) 91.5 (17.6) 99.6 (11.0) 83.0 (11.8) 94.5 (15.2) 79.9 (12.1)
93.2 (17.4) 92.5 (17.9) 90.8 (16.5) 97.3 (18.4) 79.4 (19.3) 92.7 (15.0) 78.0 (13.1)
94.7 (18.6) 96.0 (20.8) 93.7 (17.4) 95.7 (23.2) 92.2 (10.5) 68.0 (3.0)
1 2 3 4 5 6
105.0 (8.5)
a Intellectual and achievement scores presented as standardized scores with mean of 100 and SD of 15; b Diagnosis to 9 months post-radiation.
Pediatr Blood Cancer DOI 10.1002/pbc
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