2 Brachytherapy Physics-Sources and Dosimetry
Brachytherapy Physics: Sources and Dosimetry
THE GEC ESTRO HANDBOOK OF BRACHYTHERAPY | Part I: The basics of Brachytherapy Version 1 - 01/12/2014
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors of this chapter are much indebted to the authors of the orig- inal version of the chapter on Radiation Physics in the first edition of the GEC-ESTRO Handbook on Brachytherapy, Harm Meertens and Edith Briot. Furthermore, several parts of this chapter strongly rely on the recent work from the GEC-ESTRO Braphyqs network and the AAPM brachytherapy sub- committee members to explain the developments and specificities of model based dose calculation algorithms, of whom are mentioned here especially the Task-Group 186 members: Mark Rivard, Luc Beaulieu, and Åsa Carlsson Tedgren.
AUTHORS Jack Venselaar, PhD Department of Medical Physics, Instituut Verbeeten Tilburg, The Netherlands. Dimos Baltas, PhD, Prof. Department of Medical Physics and Engineering Sana Klinikum Offenbach GmbH, Germany.
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