21 Urinary Bladder Cancer
Urinary Bladder Cancer
THE GEC ESTRO HANDBOOK OF BRACHYTHERAPY | Part II: Clinical Practice Version 1 - 21/04/2015
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors of this chapter are much indebted to the authors of the original version of the chapter on Urinary Bladder Cancer in the first edition of the GEC-ESTRO Handbook on Brachytherapy Jean Jacques Mazeron and Erik Van Limbergen. Dr. G. Smits is acknowledged for providing images of ro- bot-assisted implantations.
AUTHORS Bradley Pieters
Academic Medical Center University of Amsterdam The Netherlands Elzbieta van der Steen-Banasik Radiotherapy Group
Location Arnhem The Netherlands
Erik Van Limbergen Department of Radiation Oncology University Hospital Gasthuisberg Leuven Belgium
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