Annual report 2017
Patients advisory group (PAG)
The first ESTRO patient advisory group (PAG) was established in July 2017. Its first meeting looked at ambitious goal setting, together with practical short and long-term proposals. Since then the group has developed these ideas, presenting them to the ESTRO stakeholder council, and contributing to the Patients’ Day at the ESTRO 37 conference. Other activities include the creation of a brochure for patients and providing input at the stakeholder council. The PAG comprises representatives from three partner organisations: the European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC), Europa Donna and Europa Uomo. The PAG’s chair also made a presentation on the patient perspective at the recent ESTRO symposium ‘Radiation oncology cures cancer today’, organised in December 2017 at the European Parliament.
Patients’ Day at ESTRO 36
The Patients’ Day at ESTRO 36 in Vienna involved a half-day of presentations and discussion. It was a fruitful exchange between patients and experts, attended by around 60 participants. Patients were invited to discuss their concerns with experts and ask for recommendations on the day’s programme, half of which was dedicated to breast cancer and the other half to prostate cancer.
Patient day at ESTRO 36 invited patients to interact with experts.
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