ESTRO 2021 Abstract Book


ESTRO 2021

Conclusion Patients with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia spectrum disorder, and borderline personality disorder who are referred for radiotherapy did not receive different radiotherapy than patients without a psychiatric disorder. Moreover, there is no statistically significant difference in survival between the two groups following radiotherapy. For patients with borderline personality disorder there is a trend of having a higher risk of death during follow-up. PO-1505 Phone call triage for patients admission in a radiotherapy department during COVID 19 pandemic B. Santo 1 , P. Matteucci 2 , A. Carnevale 2 , P. Falco 2 , E. Ippolito 2 , S. Ramella 2 1 universita' Campus Bio Medico Di Roma, Radiation Oncology, Rome, Italy; 2 universita' Campus Biomedico Di Roma, Radiation Oncology, Rome, Italy Purpose or Objective The SARSCoV-2 caused coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an epidemic which originated in China and spread around the world rapidly becoming a pandemic. A prompt identification of infected patients, together with all the prevention measures, is fundamental to manage the risk of Covid-19 in our Radiotherapy department and to prevent a diffusion in the new unexpected outbreak of the virus both during the peak and Between March 2020 and November 2020, all patients who accessed Radiotherapy (RT) department received a telephone triage the day before entering our ward. The telephone questionnaire, based on SERESMI form, included questions about Covid-19 symptoms and an interview on possible contacts with positive patients. Results 971 patients received the telephone triage. One patient (0.1%) patient was postponed for 2 weeks for rhinorrhea in the absence of further symptoms and attributable to an antihistamine-responsive allergy. It was not necessary to perform nasopharyngeal swab. One patient (0.1) reported contact with a swab positive patient; despite being asymptomatic, two negative nasopharyngeal swabs were performed before simulation computed tomography (CT) scan for radiotherapy treatment. One patient (0.1%) reported contact with positive cohabitants and started treatment to negativize family members even though his swab was negative. All the other patients (668/971; 97.7%) received RT as planned; Only 15/971 patients (1.6%) referred asthenia which was present before diagnosis. No patients were found to be positive during and after treatment. Conclusion Telephone triage has been found to be an effective method for preventing symptomatic patients from entering the oncology radiotherapy ward, guaranteeing 97.7% of patients access to the ward and ensuring that no positives have been identified during therapy. the mitigation phase. Materials and Methods

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