ESTRO 2022 - Abstract Book
Abstract book
ESTRO 2022
health status. On counselling after understanding the awareness, there was a 21% conversion among the patients for acceptance of the vaccination. About 54.8% participants had discussed regarding the vaccine with their treating physicians. It was found that 66.7% of the patients considered themselves more vulnerable to COVID-19 than the general population. The major concern for vaccine refusal was the ongoing treatment and belief of adverse outcomes of vaccine on cancer and misconception of contraindication of vaccine in cancer. Conclusion We present our data on the awareness and acceptance for the COVI-19 vaccination among the Indian cancer patients. The treating oncologists should play a major role in aiding cancer patients' decision-making concerning COVID-19 vaccines and thereby aid in making informed choice for the same. The misconception regarding COVID-19 vaccine and cancer needs to be addressed for better vaccination coverage.
PO-1455 Oncogeriatric assessment in elderly breast cancer patients: a monoistitutional experience
L. Gasparini 1 , F.C. Di Guglielmo 1 , M. Borgia 1 , M. Nuzzo 1 , L.A. Ursini 1 , A. Di Pilla 1 , L. Caravatta 1 , D. Genovesi 1,2
1 SS. Annunziata Hospital, Radiation Oncology Unit, Chieti, Italy; 2 G. D'Annunzio University, Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences, Chieti, Italy Purpose or Objective Frailty is defined as a multidimensional, heterogeneous and dynamic condition, that could affect patient’s functional capabilities. Very often older patients are considered frail and not included in clinical trial due to the incidence of age– related concomitant pathologies, even if cancers, including breast cancer (BC), are increasingly prevalent in older patients. A comprehensive multidisciplinary assessment in this setting is important: in fact the European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists (EUSOMA) and the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) recommends that decision making should not be driven by age alone, but should involve different specialists evaluations. The aim of the study was the identification frail patients with BC, candidate for curative radiotherapy (RT), and to measure through an oncogeriatric multidimensional assessment the impact of frailty on toxicities and treatment adherence. Materials and Methods In our EUSOMA certified Center, a prospective observational study was designed for all patients with > 75 years, candidate for curative RT. All the patients with BC every week are discussed in a multidisciplinary meeting. Frail patients are identified by the radiation oncologist, before RT, using Geriatric 8 questionnaire (G8q). Patients resulted frail (score ≤ 14) undergo a multidimensional geriatric assessment, investigating cognitive (MMSE, GDS), functional (ADL, IADL, Tinetti), nutritional (MNA short) domains, to define the frailty phenotype. G8q is repeated at the end of RT. Results From December 2019 to September 2021 a total of 175 oncologic patients were screened. In our current analysis, we considered 28 breast cancer patients (median age: 80; range: 75 - 86) that completed treatment during this period. All the patients underwent G8q before and after RT. Twelve patients (42.8%) were baseline identified as frail (G8q range 8-14) and 10 of them agreed to underwent a multidimensional geriatric assessment. Five of the 10 patients resulted vulnerable, 5 patients fit for treatment (Table 1). One vulnerable patient refused RT while the remaining were carefully monitored during treatment, according to geriatric prescriptions. All frail patients completed treatment without acute toxicity > grade 2 (RTOG) (Table 2). Overall, only 1 no-frail patient (3.6%) reported acute skin toxicity > grade 3. The G8q at the end of RT did not show a significant deterioration.
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