ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book
Digital Posters
ESTRO 2023
PO-1548 Role of extra corporeal radiation in bone tumors
D. Anand 1
1 Gujarat cancer and research institute , Radiation oncology , Ahmedabad , India
Purpose or Objective
• To assess feasibility of extracorporeal irradiation followed by re-implantation.
• To preserve limb or organ.
• To assess the local outcome, complications and functional outcome in patients receiving extra corporeal radiotherapy for bone tumors. Materials and Methods Eighteen patients with bone malignancy were included during the study period from June 2019 to September 2021.
INCLUSION CRITERIA: Histological proof of malignancy of bone tumors
EXCLUSION CRITERIA: Distant metastasis other than lung
The initial pre-treatment workup of the patients consisted of detailed clinical examination in the clinic by a team comprising of orthopedic surgeon, medical oncologist and radiation oncologist. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the affected limb was done to assess the local extent of disease and X-ray chest and bone scan were performed to rule out
distant metastases. Operative technique.
After en-bloc resection, the tumor bearing soft tissue will be resected from the bone. The bone specimen would then be soaked in a container filled with Vancomycin and later washed with normal saline .Later the specimen would be placed in two sealed sterile plastic bags and wrapped in another sterile drape.
Extracorporeal irradiation
The bone specimen were irradiated 6 MV photons from a linear accelerator. The Phantom box measuring 30*30 cm would be placed on the treatment couch fixed with the indexer under the treatment head.The phantom box would then be filled with tissue equivalent material (water pouches ) till it reaches midway (15cm). Then the specimen would be carefully placed in the centre of the box.
TECHNIQUE All the bone specimens would be treated with SSD technique by AP/PA parallel opposed technique. DOSE All segments had a single midplane dose of 50 Gy at a rate of 3.5-6 Gy per minute according to machine.
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