ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book


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ESTRO 2023

Results Three patients developed local recurrence.All three developed distant metastasis. Six patients developed distant metastasis. SURGICAL COMPLICATIONS The three patients who developed local recurrence underwent amputation. Two patients had post operative complications which were treated successfully without any sequale. Conclusion The local control rate is 84%, limb preservation rate is 83% , infection rate is 11% and the average MSTS score is 20 (good functional outcome),Disease free survival is 66.6%, Overall survival is 83% in our study. A radiation dose of 50 Gy in a single fraction for sterilizing the bone ensures adequate tumor kill, while minimizing deleterious effects on biomechanical and biological properties of the bone. Limb salvage using Extracorporeal irradiation over tumor-bearing bone segments and re-implantation may provide a rewarding alternative to allografting or prosthetic replacement for primary tumors of bone. 1 Jeju National University, Radiation Oncology, Jeju, Korea Republic of; 2 Jeju National University, Radiation Oncology , Jeju, Korea Republic of Purpose or Objective Radiation therapy (RT) is an efficacious nonsurgical option for the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC). We evaluated the role of RT in elderly patients with facial NMSC. Materials and Methods Thirty-seven patients aged ≥ 80 years with pathologically confirmed NMSC who received RT on the face between December 2020 and January 2022 were reviewed. Treatment volumes were drawn to include the primary skin lesion with a 1-cm margin around the surface and a 4 mm depth. The patients were treated with intensity-modulated RT, and the RT dose was 55 Gy with 2.75 Gy per fraction. Treatment completion, tumor response, and side effects were assessed to determine their association with age. Results The median age at the time of treatment was 87 years (range, 80–100 years). The most common tumor locations on the face were the cheek (n=11) and nose (n=11), followed by the lip (n=4). Histological examination revealed basal cell carcinoma in 18 patients and squamous cell carcinoma in 13. Thirty-one patients received RT as a curative aim and six as a palliative aim. All patients, except one, completed the planned course of RT. After curative intended RT, 22 patients showed a complete response (CR), and 9 had a partial response (PR). Therapeutic response was observed in two patients with CR and four with PR after palliative treatment. Grade 3 or higher skin toxicity was not observed during treatment or until the last follow-up. Conclusion Prolonged life expectancy increases the incidence of cancer in older patients. RT could be used safely and effectively in patients aged ≥ 80 years with facial NMSC, regardless of curative or palliative treatment. 1 Aretaieion University Hospital, Radiation Oncology Unit, 1st Department of Radiology, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece; 2 University Hospital of Alexandroupolis, Department of Radiotherapy / Oncology, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece; 3 University Hospital of Alexandroupolis, Department of Radiotherapy / Oncology, Medical School, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece; 4 University Hospital of Alexandroupolis, Department of Radiotherapy / Oncology, Medical School, Democritus University of Thrace , Alexandroupolis, Greece Purpose or Objective Locally advanced squamous cell skin cancer (LA-SqSC) is a challenging devastating disease, mainly affecting older patients that refuse to seek medical assistance at earlier stages, and patients with recurring tumors after surgery. Radiotherapy (RT) is often difficult to apply due to large tumor volumes, and extensive ulcerations and tissue necrosis. Materials and Methods Nineteen (19) patients (median age 85) have been treated according to a therapeutic algorithm involving induction immunotherapy with 4 cycles (q3w) of cemiplimab (anti-PD-1 MoAb). Partial responders (PR) continued immunotherapy for another 4 cycles. Complete responders (CR) received cemiplimab for a total of 24 cycles, or until progression or manifestation of immune-related adverse events (irAEs). Patients with progressive disease (PgD) after 4 cycles or PO-1549 Radiotherapy for elderly with facial non-melanoma skin cancer: Effectiveness in aged 80 and older J. Choi 1 , S.H. Park 2 PO-1550 Anti-PD1 immunotherapy and hypofractionated RT for locally advanced squamous cell skin cancer I. Koukourakis 1 , P. Mamalis 2 , A. Giaktzidis 3 , A. Zygogianni 1 , M. Koukourakis 4

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