ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book
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ESTRO 2023
and the mostly used fractionations are 3 fr x 6-7 Gy and 5 fr x 5.5 Gy in endometrial cancer patients treated with postoperatively. Table 1. Brachytherapy centers and features ‘
Conclusion Apart from the incoming data from the centers, it is known that there is a Co60 radioactive source in 1 center in Istanbul, and 2 centers in Istanbul and Adana did not share their information. The absence of centers performing brachytherapy in some of the regions draws attention to the need for proper national health planning. In addition to this, specific brachytherapy applications should be distributed in a balanced across the country.
PO-1091 Proactive risk analysis for the introduction of MR-Guided Radiotherapy: FMEA approach
S. Nici 1 , M. Buglione 2 , S. Riga 1 , C. Provezza 3 , G. Iannello 3 , A. Inturri 3 , S. Veronesi 1 , A. Guerini 3 , S.M. Magrini 2 , L. Spiazzi 1
1 ASST Spedali Civili, Medical Physics Unit, Brescia, Italy; 2 University and ASST Spedali Civili, Radiation Oncology, Brescia, Italy; 3 ASST Spedali Civili, Radiotherapy Department, Brescia, Italy Purpose or Objective In our institution we recently introduced in the clinical routine an MR guided workflow for external beams radiotherapy by means of Step and Shot IMRT treatments with an MR-linac system (Unity®, Elekta©) and an MR-simulator (Ingenia®, Philips©) to support an MR based planning. We therefore decided to apply a fmea risk analysis to proactively reduce the error probability and the flaws of our intended approach Materials and Methods we applied the FMEA approach to our previsional workflow, according to the guidelines outlined in the AAPM TG 100 report, and we adjusted our analysis with a strict surveillance of the first weeks of workflow introduction. Results Figure 1 highlights the results of our analysis: we identified some additional steps specific to the MR guided approach to encompass the new possible failure modes. We then analyzed our approach and identified the possible failures, for any of which we defined the occurrence and detection probability and the severity score. All scores were defined with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 5. We then identified possible workflow corrections to accomplished for the analysis and reduce the obtained Risk Priority Number.
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