ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book


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ESTRO 2023

Table 1 and 2 report as an example, the score analysis of 6 of the identified failures with pre and post intervention scores and RPN respectively.

Conclusion A FMEA analysis of the newly MR guided external radiotherapy has been performed and is here presented. A throughout analysis of any new process is crucial to reduce the risk induced by any new approach introduced in the routine in a clinical environment. Our experience helped us to defined and categorized systematically the potential failure modes. It appears to us clearly that the first weeks of work are as critical as the proactive analysis because only when the activity really begins it is possible to outline any vulnerability that could have been underestimated in an in silico analysis. Therefore we suggest that the FMEA, or other proactive approach, analysis has to be reevaluated constantly in light of the day to day experience and practice evolution.

PO-1092 Cost of breast cancer treatment: a longitudinal cohort study from tertiary cancer center.

T. Wadasadawala 1 , S. Mohanty 2 , S. Sen 3 , P. Kanti 3 , R. Sarin 1 , S. Gupta 4 , V. Parmar 5

1 Tata Memorial Centre, Radiation Oncology, Mumbai, India; 2 International Institute for population sciences, Department of Fertility Studies, Mumbai, India; 3 International Institute for Population Sciences, Department of Fertility Studies, Mumbai, India; 4 Tata Memorial Centre, Medical Oncology, Mumbai, India; 5 Tata Memorial Centre, Surgical Oncology, Mumbai, India

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