ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Gynaecology
ESTRO 2024
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Pelvic insufficiency fractures after EBRT for gynecological cancers: a single-institution experience
Patrizia Ferrazza 1 , Elena Magri 1 , Dea Veshaj 1 , Anna Delana 2 , Laura Bandera 1 , Giuseppina De Marco 3 , Jessica Imbrescia 3 , Giulia Miranda 3 , Maria Victoria Gutierrez 4 , Frank Lohr 3,5 , Valentina Vanoni 1 1 APSS Ospedale Santa Chiara, UO Radiotherapy, Trento, Italy. 2 APSS Ospedale Santa Chiara, UO Medical Physics, Trento, Italy. 3 AOU Policlinico Modena, UO Radiotherapy, Modena, Italy. 4 AOU Policlinico Modena, UO Medical Physics, Modena, Italy. 5 University of Modena, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, Modena, Italy
To evaluate the incidence and risk factors for pelvic insufficiency fracture (PIF) in patients treated with definitive radiotherapy (DRT) or post-operative radiotherapy (PORT) for locally advanced cervical cancer or endometrial cancer.
Between Jenuary 2016 and December 2022, 158 patients (pts) with cervical cancer (96 pts) or endometrial cancer (62 pts) underwent definitive or post-operative external beam radiotherapy. The median age was 56 years (range, 30-83 years). Our analysis includes all International Federation of Gynecologic Oncology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stages (I-IVB). 92 pts underwent definitive treatment, 66 post-operative treatment.
The following clinical characteristics were extracted from pts medical charts: age at diagnosis, BMI, menopausal status, use of chemotherapy and history of pre-existing osteoporosis
All treatments were planned with VMAT technique. The pelvis received a dose of 45-50.4 Gy in 1.8-2 Gy/fx. Squential or Concomitant boost of 8.96-20 Gy (2.12-2.Gy/fx) was given in patients with nodal involvment (44 pts). In 142 pts high dose rate brachytherapy was performed: in 90 pts for cervical cancer (30 Gy/5fx or 28 Gy/4fx), and in 52 pts for endometrial cancer (10 Gy/2fx or 15 Gy/3fx).
76% of pts received concurrent chemotherapy and only 2 pts received neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
Follow-up with magnetic resonance or CT scan was performed routinely every 4-6 months. PIF was defined as a low density line or a fracture line with or without sclerotic changes in the pelvic bones on CT images or a hypointense line surrounded by bone marrow edema in any of the pelvic bones on T2 or post-contrast T1 weighted fat-suppressed MRI sequences
Median follow-up was 36 months (range 6-80 months). Thirty six pts (22.78%) developed PIF, and 3 of them developed multiple fractures. 28 pts developed PIF after DRT and 8 pts after PORT. The median time to fracture was 6 months (range, 2-24 months). The most commonly involved fracture site was the sacrum (21 pts), lumbar vertebrae (2 pts), pubis (3pts) and sacroiliac joint (9 pts). Only 1 patient presented with acetabulum fractures and no iliac bone or femoral head/neck fractures were observed. Eleven women were simptomatic for lower back pain or pelvic pain.
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