ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Gynaecology
ESTRO 2024
All pts with PIF underwent both EBRT and cervix- or vaginal brachytherapy. All fracture sites were irradiated with a dose of at least 30 Gy. Twelve pts had nodal involvment and only 3 of them developed PIF closed to a lymph node boost.
Twenty-one pts were postmenopausal women and 6 had osteoporosis at the time of diagnosis.
Definitive radiation treatment (p=0.014) and body weight < 55 kg (p=0.008) were significant risks factors. Probably due to thesample size, in our analisys menopausal status (p=0.059) and osteoporosis (p=0.066) were not statistically significat factors to develop PIF though showing a trend for significance.
Conclusions: The incidence of PIF after radiation therapy for gynecologic cancers is high (23%). Our data indicate that definitive radiation treatment ad body weight are significant predictive factors for development of PIF. Bone exposure should be minimized as much as possible. A dosimetric analysis is ongoing in our center to evaluate D50%, V15Gy, V30Gy and V45 Gy for each bone segment. Active interventions, including bone density screening and rheumatologist evalutation should be considered in this setting of patients.
Keywords: pelvic fracture, PIF, cervix,
Digital Poster
Reassessing therapeutic strategies for low-risk cervical tumors >3 cm: Is surgery alone sufficient?
Francisco Javier Martínez Paredes 1 , Sofia Córdoba Largo 1 , Beatriz Gil Haro 1 , Jesús Romero Fernández 1 , Manuel García-Espantaleón 2 , Luis San Frutos Llorente 2 , Laura Nájera Botello 3 , Marta López Valcárcel 1 , Raquel Benlloch Rodríguez 1 , Maria Hernandez Miguel 1 , Cristina de la Fuente Alonso 1 , Irma Zapata Paz 1 , Sofia Santana Jiménez 1 , Sara Pérez Mata 1 , Maria Angeles Ruiz Rodriguez 1 , Joaquin Velasco Jimenez 1 , Maria Isabel Garcia Berrocal 1 , Carlos Regueiro Otero 1 , Sofia Merino Pedraza 1 , Carlota Cascajares Sanz 1 , Mariela Rojas Quesada 1 1 Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro, Radiation Oncology, Madrid, Spain. 2 Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro, Ginecology, Madrid, Spain. 3 Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro, Pathological Anatomy, Madrid, Spain
To analyze survival and recurrence in patients diagnosed with early-stage cervical cancer undergoing surgical treatment and evaluate the impact of tumor size.
Data were collected from 100 patients diagnosed with early-stage cervical cancer who underwent radical surgical treatment between January 2000 and March 2023. Two patients were excluded from the final analysis due to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (CRT) and another patient was excluded due to neuroendocrine histology. A total of 97 patients were included in the ultimate analysis. Baseline characteristics are shown in Table 1 .
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