ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Gynaecology

ESTRO 2024

2. Serouart B, Cordoba A, Martinez-Gomez C, Bogart E, Le Deley MC, Leblanc É, Hudry D, Escande A, Le Tinier F, Pasquesoone C, Taieb S, El Hajj H, Narducci F. Results of a 20-Year Retrospective Analysis of Early-Stage Cervical Cancer: Should 3 cm Be Considered the New Ariadne's Thread in Early Cervical Cancer Treatment? Cancers (Basel). 2023 Mar 2;15(5):1570.

3. Bataille B, Escande A, Le Tinier F, Parent A, Bogart E, Collinet P, et al. Outcomes of Pre-Operative Brachytherapy Followed by Hysterectomy for Early Cervical Cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2019 Dec 22;ijgc-2019-000617.

4. Cordoba A, Durand B, Escande A, Taieb S, Amor MBH, Le Deley MC, Michel A, Le Tinier F, Hudry D, Martinez C, Leblanc E, Becourt S, Abdedaim C, Bresson L, Lartigau E, Mirabel X, Narducci F. Prognostic Impact of Tumor Size Reduction Assessed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging After Radiochemotherapy in Patients with Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer. Front Oncol. 2022 Dec 2;12:1046087. 5. Escande A, Gouy S, Mazeron R, Bentivegna E, Bacorro W, Maroun P, Schernberg A, Oberlander AS, Dumas I, Genestie C, Deutsch E, Morice P, Haie-Meder C, Chargari C. Outcome of Early Stage Cervical Cancer Patients Treated According to a Radiosurgical Approach: Clinical Results and Prognostic Factors. Gynecol Oncol. 2017 Mar;144(3):541-546.


Poster Discussion

Clinical experience of Adaptive Radiotherapy using MR-Linac or Tomotherapy for Gynecological Cancers

Amy Tien Yee Chang 1 , Bin Yang 2 , Jacky T Wong 3

1 Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Comprehensive Oncology Centre, Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 2 Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Medical Physics Department, Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 3 Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Department of Radiotherapy, Hong Kong, Hong Kong


Tomotherapy and MR Linac are the most cutting-edge radiotherapy technique in gynecological cancers. Both modalities contain built-in image-guidance feature in the linear accelerator, that enable onboard imaging and most accurate verification of tumor target positions before delivery of daily radiotherapy treatment. MR Linac has a unique feature of an online adaptive workflow, consisting of adapt to shape (ATS) or adapt to position (ATP), that can customize the treatment plan based on the daily anatomical changes, giving the best dose coverage to tumor targets and lower dose to the normal organs. Tomotherapy has MVCT daily imaging guidance and is also proven to reduce treatment margins with the potential advantage to reduce toxicity. With both treatment modalities available in a single institute in Hong Kong, this review aims to present a case series of 30 gynecological cancer patients with various indications, who received either tomotherapy or MR Linac treatment.


This retrospective study included 30 patients with gynecological cancer who received radical or adjuvant pelvic and/or para-aortic field radiotherapy with either MR Linac or tomotherapy. Contouring of targets and dose planning followed the EMBRACE2 recommendations. Patient characteristics, indications for either modality of

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