ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Gynaecology

ESTRO 2024

and cm3, mean dose, and other potential factors was performed with probit analysis. ED10 for G>=3 HemTox were identified in BM doses with statistically significant dose-Hemtox correlation.


Demographic data were well balanced between HYPO (44Gy/20F), CVRT(45Gy/25F) fron HYPOCx-iRex and EMBRACE-II group (45Gy/25F) except OTT and follow-up time. Grade>=2 and >=3 toxicity were shown as Figure1 , displaying HemTox grade>=3 of 5(24%), 2(11%), and 5(18%) in HYPO, CVRT, and EMBRACE-II arms. Selected DVH difference between HemTox grade<3 and grade>=3 with P-value (U-test) <0.1 were presented in Figure2 . BM_MRI V20-35(%) and mean dose showed trend of higher dose in grade>=3 group but without statistical significance with p<0.05. Whereas BM_CT V20-40 in both % and cc established large differences with statistical significance. Among significant differences, only BM_CT V20(%), V25(cc), V30(cc), and V35(cc) established significant dose response relationship per probit analysis with ED10 of 75%, 480 cc, 350 cc, and 230 cc, respectively, but not any BM_MRI.

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