ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Gynaecology
ESTRO 2024
Figure 2. Percent tumor volume change per fraction for all investigated cases
The findings showed that tumor volume decrease rate was positively correlated with increase in radiation treatment (i.e., number of fractions). In addition, the initial tumor volume significantly influenced the relative tumor volume change per fraction. Furthermore, when combining tumor grades and concurrent chemo radiotherapy, an improvement of around 0.6% volume change per fraction was noticed when delivering both treatments for patients with G2 tumors as opposed to only radiotherapy, while the increase was slightly higher at 0.81% for G3 tumors when applying both treatments concurrently compared to only radiotherapy. The study focused on the dynamic nature of tumor volume changes during cervical radiotherapy and highlighted the importance of adaptive treatment planning, with a trend towards increased benefit for patients with larger tumor volumes, G3 tumors and those undergoing concurrent chemo-radiotherapy.
Keywords: cervical, adaptive radiotherapy, tumor dynamics
Digital Poster
Association between sarcopenia and survival in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer
Salvador Gutierrez Torres 1 , Ana Carolina Ahumada Pamanes 2 , Sandra Ileana Perez Alvarez 1 , Jenny Georgina Turcott Chaparro 3 1 Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, Subdirección de Radioterapia, Ciudad de México, Mexico. 2 Centro Universitario contra el Cancer, Radioterapia, Monterrey, Mexico. 3 Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, Unidad de Oncología Torácica, Ciudad de México, Mexico
In Mexico, cervical cancer, represents the 5th most diagnosed neoplasm, being the second cause of cancer in women and the 9th cause of death, according to GLOBOCAN 2020.
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