ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Gynaecology
ESTRO 2024
Sarcopenia is a frequent condition in cancer patients; actual evidence suggests that sarcopenia is associated with poor survival outcomes in locally advanced cervical cancer.
The present study evaluated the association between sarcopenia and survival in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer, treated with chemoradiation and brachytherapy.
This was a retrospective cohort study in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy and brachytherapy. Sarcopenia was determined according with musculoskeletal area at level of third lumbar vertebral of the pre-treatment computed tomography analyzed with the Slice-O-Matic V4.2 software. A cut-off point has been stablished to determine sarcopenia, <35.6 cm2/m2. Body composition and clinicopathologic data were collected. The primary outcome was overall survival. The Kaplan – Meier method was used to determine overall survival.
60 patients were analyzed, mostly stage IIB y IIIC1 (41.85%, 16.6%) according to FIGO 2018.
Using the cut-off value of 35.6 cm2/m2 we found 5 patients with sarcopenia.
Median survival among patients without sarcopenia was not reached.
A low musculoskeletal area was associated with poor survival outcomes between patients with locally advanced cervical cancer, 13.6 (10.7 – 16.5), p = 0.016, HR (95 CI): 4.1 (1.2 – 14.4), p = 0.027.
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